Vanessa is an under the influence teen with a strict father. However, that doesn't stop her from doing what she wants when she wants, but when she meets Justin, the mature one out of her group of friends, she begins to see that her world doesn't rev...
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Punch after punch, he took them all.
A roaring scream erupted.
Mr. Raymond completely ignored the roaring screams of his daughter. He was completely gone, lost in his own zone as he pushed the kid around and collided his fist with the boy's jaw back to back.
Justin gasped, his head beginning to pound. He couldn't keep up.
Each punch knocked him one step further from throwing anything.
It wasn't like Justin's objective was to beat on Vanessa's father anyways.
Stumbling back, his rear met with the face of his car. Mr. Raymond stared at him in disgust.
Vanessa hurriedly rushed over to him, tears staining her peach cheeks. He hated that he appeared so vulnerable.
Everything happened so fast, her hand was intertwined with his and she was pulling his face towards her, grazing a finger over his swollen, bloody eye. Eventually pushed himself up and placed a kiss on her forehead before, shrugging his hand out of hers and stalking over to Mr. Raymond.
Vision blurry, stance equivalent to an in denial drunk.
Throwing a punch, Raymond blocked it and threw one himself. Coughing, Justin spun back around, his head throbbing. Attempting to shrug off the pain, he threw another punch which resulted in failure.
Memories from an hour ago came flooding back onto the surface. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" One of the very things that lead him to getting his arse beat this very moment.
Raymond threw another punch and pushed him back onto the hood of the car, receiving a low groan from Justin. The cold metal caresssed Justin's beaten face as he coughed and struggled to push himself up. Crying out his began to roll off the edge of the hood, Vanessa eagerly catching his and helping him up, rubbing his back in the process. Justin's jaw tightened before he parted his lips, feeling the blood in his mouth, push against his teeth. Blood began to pour from his mouth.
"Stop! Leave him alone! You're hurting him." A low groan came from Justin as he pushed himself off of the hood of Mary Jane for the final time.
Her father simply stared at her, fixing his slacks and exhaling while examining the fresh blood on his knuckles. Justin walked passed Vanessa, his jaw tight as he wiped away the blood from the side of his mouth.
"Justin." Vanessa warned.
"Please, no." She cried.
The memories all came back, days that they spent on top of the city buildings and the others where they simply enjoyed each other's presence. The simple fact that he could have his sweet baby girl in his arms, was enough to make his heart pulsate. It was the only thing that kept him going. Before he knew it, another punch came. It was harder than the rest and Vanessa could hear it. A horrific gasp escaped her lips as Justin crashed onto the pavement. His back hitting the hood of Mary Jane. Vanessa reached out for him.
"Dad! Stop!" Justin fainting heard as he stared at the bottom of Mr. Raymond's leather oxfords. His breathing hitched with each movement and his ribs began to burn. Mr.Raymond grabbed a hold of Vanessa's wrist and shuffled her along with him.
"Get off of me!" She struggled. Turning over, Justin began to push himself up in a kneeling position, his right hand propping himself up while his left hand was balled up, resting on his left knee. Failing, he fell back onto his knees. Staring at the cement he slowly looked back over towards the commotion, his head still pounding.
Vanessa fought with her father, pushing him back and attempting to remove her arm from his grip.
His vision began to get blurrier, and his breathing slowed down. Spreading himself out, he spat more blood up, his arms trembling beneath him.
"Come near my daughter again and I'll make you wish I killed you."
More memories hit him as tires created friction, lights came towards him, and everything went black.