The first part

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It's not my fault I like boys. I mean, it's not like I chose to be gay. Yeesh. Oops, I forgot to introduce myself my name is Nico Johnson. I go to Smith Middle School. You would be surprised how mean people can be. People like Noah Barker and his gang who make my life miserable for fun. I guess I can't blame them. I'm different, not normal in their standards. Their small cave men sized brains can't handle different. It's not only them though, most of the school hates me. I'm making you think I'm a total loser. I'm actually a pretty cool guy and I do have a couple friends: Alec, Jason, and Sophia. They are the only ones who actually accept me for who I am. My family is... well... I tried to talk to my mom but we have so many people in our family that I'm not sure my mom was paying attention. I have 3 brothers but they two older, one younger. Also, A sister who's older. They are all perfect. They don't understand what it's like to be me. None of them understand me.

Chapter 1

"Nico!" Sophia yells at me. I grab my bag and run out the door whizzing past my huge family who doesn't even notice me.

"Hey," I say when I reach her. I feel like Sophia is the only one who really likes me for me. She does kind of use me for her advantage though. With me liking boys, she always makes me talk about boys with her. Yet she has a boyfriend, and i'm single because there aren't many single gay guys in our school. Or at least that I know of. Some may not be "out of the closet" yet I guess. We are only in 8th grade, maybe in high school I will find someone. Maybe.

We walk side by side heading to Jason's house, then Alec's, then school.

"Soooo," She says, and I know she's talking about either her boyfriend Matt or boys in general, mostly for me. "I told Matt about you" She slowly says.

I sigh. I knew it would happen at some point.

"And?" I was hoping he would be cool with me because from Sophia's description he sounds really nice. "I told him you were gay."

"Well, duh."

"I think he's ok with it, But He didn't seem..." She paused thinking of the right word. "Thrilled." Oh poop. I was really hoping he would like me.

"Maybe if he meets me he'll see I'm normal." I AM normal. Just because I like boys means i'm not normal? Wait. Why am I giving this so much thought? I am normal! It's just that nobody sees me as normal.

Sophia stops at Jason's house and yells for him. The conversation is over. For now. Jason comes running out. He has his book bag on his shoulder with papers falling out. His hair is perfect his skin is tan and his shirt is tight, showing his abs. How am I friends with him?

"Bro," he says. "How late are we?!" Jason is always rushing in the morning since he spends so much time on his looks. Sophia snickers "We aren't. We still have to pick up Alec" Jason slumps. "So I woke up at 6 for nothing!" I check my watch it's 6:55 school starts at 7:20. He woke up at 6 yet still he was rushing.

"Dude," I say. What was it this time? His clothes? His hair?

"Was it your hair?"

He reaches up to touch his perfect hair and nods. I suddenly feel self conscious of my hair. My hair is short and a little scruffy. I don't really have to do much to my hair but I could take a little more care of it. Oh well. Jason is my second best friend, he doesn't talk about stuff like boys. He has a girlfriend of course. He talks about normal stuff mostly about how he looks but also sports and cars and shit. So as we walked to Alec's house Jason blabbered on about this amazing car he saw with like purple wheels. It was good, this gave me a chance to think about Sophie's boyfriend, how he wasn't thrilled she knew me. Who would she pick if she had to? Me? Or him? It had to be me right? I mean I've known her for like, forever. This sucks. Why do my friends have to "tell people" about me before they meet me, I'm still a perfectly normal person. Yeesh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2016 ⏰

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