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🗝🗝Selena POV 🗝🗝
Before I start with my life and who I am. My name is Selena Arellano. I am 13 years old and I am different from what people say but I don't really care I am from two Mexican parents and I am smart and wears glasses and braces and I am known as the ugly ducking which I am ok with that. I really do not mine it one bit. I was not beautiful I was ugly from most people i have seen I have two sisters and no brothers and I was the middle child. And I guess I am rich but I work hard for it and my family does to. I am one of the riches child's in the state and I am going to public school. I don't want to be different I don't want people to treat me different for my parents money. Oh and I am one of the riches kids in Virginia and My name at school is Selena Miles

Today is September 8,2015
Ring Ring my phone went off.
It was time to get up. Oh get the first day of school. Great just great. Don't get me wrong I love school I love going to class pay attention and being a good girl.

Ring ring
My phone went off it was my friend Katlyn.
Ready for the first day of school 😄🤗😝😚😀🙃🤓😉☺️😃😁😅😌
- Katlyn
Tbh I was not.
The first day to see who has change and who has not. I on the other hand just want to move on with the crowd and what I meant was I just don't care for gossip or what they say in me.
Let's see if we have the same classes 👏🏽- Selena
So I got ready for school like everyone I got new clothes to start the year and supplies. I did not try like other girls to wear makeup. I was "lazy" but the other reason is I see people in school who look like clowns. So I put on my abercrombie shirt and my Alloy pant and head to the kitchen and ate some pancakes and went to brush my teeth and grab my North Face book bag and head to the car which was waiting for me.

" good morning" I said to my driver which was Tyler
I got in my white Audi 2016
Which my dad got me because he did not want me to get run over.
We drove to my aunts house who is different from mines hers is a one storage house and a is parked in a trailer park. Aka a mobile home but in the inside it was like a small house. My cousins are around the same age as me. My aunt has two one older than me and one the same age as me. But like our houses we are different my cousin are popular and I am a nerd and they have a lot of friend and boyfriend and girlfriend. My older cousin is tall and not smart but good with the ladies his name is Steven and my other cousin is Jennifer every guy wants to date her. At the end they are different from me. I want to be treated like they know me but they do when I am At home but when I am at school they do not know me. I do not mine because I don't want anybody to find out I am one of the richest kids in Virginia
I went to the bus stop by my side is Jennifer but then she went to met with her friends and That left me alone by myself.

10 minutes later
On the bus ......
I looked around and see a seat and then I see a boy. In my brain I was like o- well let just seat there until we get off.

I was lucky that I was the last stop until school but I was wrong.

We turn to a set of house and then a few kids got on and head to school.

On our way to school I put on my beats headphones and listen to " kill'em with kindness by Selena Gomez" I know what your thinking why Selena Gomes and your name is Selena I know but that song is my jam. And then I arrived school. I was about to get off but someone got my book-bag from the back it was the boy who sat next to me. I looked Confused as to why he did that. " Hi I am new here and I want to know if you can show me were the office is please" I got red in my cheeks and I do not like it not one bit. " Om yeah sure I guess.What is your name." While we got off the bus. " Oh yeah I forgot my name is Pedro" " nice to met you " I said. He eyed me like I was supposed to tell him something. Oh shot I forgot were are my manners. " my name is Selena" we enter and a lot of teens crowed into two door way to get in. Finally Relief we got into the crowed that I got push off from him. But I was wrong he catch me. " that a crowed place" he said. We made a turn to the front office . " well thank you see you on the bus" " ok I have to go to home room and no problem." My cheek were red as a tomato. I never have done that why now. He smirk at me and wave bye .
Ring ring
" oh good now I am late fuck" I mutter to my self. I enter to rm 123 home room great everyone is looking great just great
" hello miss what is your name " - the teacher in the red dress said. I blanked out dame it " oh my my name is Selena Miles" I said. " ok miss Selena Miles here". She handy me my schedule great I have civi and economics as first period but as honors class. Second period earth science as honors and as a nine grade class even if I am in 8 th grade. Third and forth period are honors English and for Fifth and sixth period Algebra 1 honors and for seventh period advanced band and for eight honors Geometry.yes why are you taking to math classes and all honors classes. The reason is that I good at math and I love doing it.

I see a set next to a person I seen before my friend Katlyn she is pretty she is a blond with blue eyes and smart and my friend since 6 th grade.
She smiled at me to seat next to her. " how you doing blondly" I said " good and you came late you supposed to meet me at my locker but then I shall seen you with a boy" she said I get blushed and laugh by the way she described it . " No the boy asked if I know where the office was and I showed him were it was that is all" I said honestly " oh really what is his name " she eyed me crazy like I did something wrong. " his my is Pedro and I don't know his last name" I said. I went back to the time on the bus where he eyed me. He is tall and brown haired and pretty eyes that changed color when he wears different color shirts. Me on the other hand is a girl with long pair of legs and long hair And is boring and has two friends and wears glasses because she is blind as a dog. I know Pedro was different from me opposites from each other.
" so do you know him" Katlyn said. " I don't but do you know him." I said " no but I have seen him around Facebook ." She said. " oh really" i said like I was not instead. I have never used social media only Facebook but for some reason I had butterflies in my tummy. When I heard that I was happy about the news. 
The first chapter done 🤗😚🗝 truth be that I am not a good writer but I just going to write my story ok? Ok ¿ need a cover please thank you for reading. Next chapter up next 2 weeks 6/23/16- first chapter

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