This is my first completed project for my Creative Writing class. The purpose of the assignment was character development. I was given four options as to how I would show the development of my protagonist and I selected a plotline in which she so desperately wants to feel beautiful and subtract the agonizing stares of crude individuals that it becomes an obsession and she will go to certain circumstances that, from the reader's eye, could be considered selfish.
''Shards of Beauty'' is cut into short parts, varying from about three sentences to a few paragraphs. To emphasize the main character's change, rather than writing a long, drawn-out story in which I also interject the fact here this is a SCHOOL PROJECT - limited to 3-5 pages - I organized the story to consist of essential scenes to get the plot across. I'm sorry if it is confusing but hopefully as you read on, you'll get the gist of what is happening.
Anyways, thank you for clicking my story and I sincerely hope you enjoy it.
Grammar corrections and/or suggestions are appreciated since I have yet to edit this properly.
Shards of Beauty
PoetryShe started out as one of the few girls that did not want the attention. In fact, with the exception of being addressed, she hardly spoke, and her wardrobe consisted of only sweatshirts, blue jeans, and converse. It didn't change a thing though. EVE...