Nice to beat you

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When I wake up the mans hand is still on my neck and the clock on the TV said that it's still 8:28 am. I crawl away and pop my ears up and I prance to my bone witch lays a few feet from were I was. I decide that I wanted to wake up this man. I happily marched over to his feet and looked up... My jaw dropped and fell on Jeff's feet. My breathing cracks and whimpers in  a way that made me shake. My thoughts race over one another as my jaw cracks shut and I growl with all the rage I could muster. With one last thought I lunged at his leg. KILL!!! My sharp teeth bite and dig into his lower knee. This is what you get for killing my family!!! His ear piercing scream made my head shutter, in return making me bite harder. Blood filled my mouth and pooled on the floor quickly. The stairs were trembling with people thumping down to see. Jeff gets up and shakes his leg but the anger glued me to his leg. I moved my jaw from side to side and I shake my head, fairing at his flesh even more. At this point I was biting and clawing anywhere I could reach while people pulled us apart. At one point I was off the ground but I refused to leave! My jaw clamped on his hip and my paws clawed at his chest as people tried to pry up apart. Pain shot down my neck as I shattered to the floor. His cold fist had met my snout and now we both lay dead still on the ground. We both lay panting, glaring at each other not seeing the flurry of people around us, just us, starting our own war. I smirk the best as I could do as a wolf in shock. His looked like he didn't believe he saw it at first but then his face twists with rage. I liked that...
When I woke up again all my memories rushed in to great me, I laugh, then I relies I'm human.
" JACK!!! She's up!" I hear, then the scurry of feet.
" Wolfie can you hear me???" I try to nod to nothing happened. I open my eyes to, for me I think, a vary dimmed room.
" can you talk?" He asks so close I can smell his minty teath. My jaw juries around for a minute bit I managed to say one world;
" Jeff?" The girl I first heard laughed.
" sorry sweetie, you didn't kill him." She scoffed. I fell back asleep quickly after that.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jun 10, 2016 ⏰

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