Behind bars......

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I stared at the too tight cuffs not giving a fuck that I was going to jail. The motherfucker deserved everything that I did to him. It was his fault I was alone, it was his fault she was sad. He hurt us first.

"Well you've gotten yourself into quite the situation".

A man clad in a police uniform said. He was pretty sexy, if I do say so myself. He was about 6"1, broad sholders, easy on the eyes, not too old maybe 24.

Honestly he looked like one of my saturday nights.

"I just love a man in uniform" I said huskily with a mischief smirk flutter my eyes seductively

"Look ma'am this is no time for jokes this is very serious, you assaulted a man tonight".

He blushes lightly and tries to put on what im guessing is his serious face

" Trust me officer (I looked at his name tag) Zack , I was not joking (I send a flirtatious wink) and the accusation that I assualted a man is complete bullshit. You can't prove it was me."

I try to fold my arm's across my chest defiantly but the cuffs get in the way.

"We have a video of you beating the man. How can you say you didn't assault him?"

"Just like this. I didn't assualt him officer."

I rolled my eyes

"Then who do we have on tape?"

"I don't know? My evil twin from an alternate universe".

I shrugged my shoulders carelessly

How stupid was this dude. Who would seriously turn their selves in and just come out and say yeah that's me on the tape, looks like you caught me. Honestly if thats how criminals acted most of them would be in jail, unfortunately that's not how it works.

Looking up at the sexy police officer I tried my best to look as innocent as possible making him chuckle, show casing his dimples and shaking his head slowly. I guess I wasn't convincing enough because the next thing I know he's practically dragging me out the interrogation room.

The police station was pretty empty tonight. The only people that filled it were a couple cops and some of the usual trouble makers like myself.

I scanned the police station trying to find a familiar face. My eyes zeroed in on a pair of dark brown eyes that belonged to none other than Malcom.

Malcom, a cop that I at first became familiar with due to a strand of wild nights and vodka sent me a cheeky smile then looked me up and down, shamelessly checking me out in front of everyone, ...Not that I minded, its not like he hasn't seen my body before, after all he was one of my best friends and an old fling. Surprisingly my other cop friends that I met due to a repeat of unflavorable consequences weren't here.

Malcom started to walk over to us probably wondering what I did this time and what he could do to get me out of trouble, he was always getting me out of trouble thats one of the reasons he was my best friends...well that and the fact that he is fun to annoy.

As soon as Malcom reached us he practically started to interrogate Zack, asking him in a very intimidating voice (that practically made Zack piss himself) why I was here, what I had done, if charges would be pressed and what he could do to right my wrongs. 

"Fae did nothing wrong, since when was it against the law to defend yourself"

Deciding that now was a good enough time to interrupt there coversation and save poor Zack from Malcom's scariness.

"Malcom ease up on him it's ok, you act like I'm not use to jail" - I laugh a little at how angry Malcom is on my behalf

I told Malcom that I was ok and that I didn't need his protection on this one after a while of me persuading him that I was gonna be ok and a promise to call him as soon as I was released he finally left to go do his cop duties.

Deciding that I might as well go out in style I started kicking and screaming.

"You'll never take me alive copers. You don't know me, none of you know me. Im the greatest most evil person in the world you'll all be sorry for this. All of YOU!"

Pointing at a random cop I say,"Expecially YOU!!!!"

Completely confused the cop points at him self as if to make sure im talking to him. I shake my head up and down enthusiasticly and send him a venomous glare, a glare so terrifying even I was scared or not.

Before being placed in my cell Zack unlocks my cuffs and asks me if I want my one call now or later. Thinking why not now, I say,

"where's the phone?"

After finding the phone I walk over to it and begin typing in the only number I know by heart. The call goes directly to voice mail.

Voicemail:  Hey this is batman, sorry im not able to answer your call right now, Robins on vacation and the batcave isn't receiving cell reception. I blame joker.

"Hey my favorite cousin in the whole wide world, in case your wondering where I am, its jail, im in jail....again but its not my fault anyways love you."

Zack walks over to me right as I hang up the phone.

"Did they answer"


"Looks like you'r gonna have to spend the night here. Do you need to use the bathroom before I take you to your cell"

Pretending not to notice Zack checking me out, I stretch and yawn really feeling the impact the day had on me.

"naw man im good , imma just sleep a little bit."

I walk in the direction of my cell and lay on the empty bench getting comfortable. Its not like it's the first time I've been in jail.


Thanks for reading😄, this is one of the first stories I've written. Please comment your opinion on the story and tell me what you think of Fae so far

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