Chapter one

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Do you doubt we two share,
A love transcendent,
And truly rare?

Alice woke in a heated sweat. Her arms shaky and her breath coming in pants . Glancing around her room in the dark she seemed disoriented . Moments earlier she had been running in a dark wooded area . A stranger running along next to her. She could hear his breathing matching her own. And smell the pine needles mixed with the soil below their feet. She could taste the raw metallic taste of blood in her mouth and on her tongue. Everything seemed so alive. But now as she sat up in her bed the dream faded to leave her shaken to her core. It was the same every year. But for some reason she dreamed about this stranger nearly every night. What was wrong with her? 

Shrugging it off she chided to her self" Man if this keeps on I won't be fit to work or to do anything else." She climbed from her bed . Her deep red locks were in less tangled around her shoulders. Her freckled skin light in the dark room. Walking to the bath room and flipping on the light she looked at the ashen face in the mirror . The dark circles under her eyes was proof of her fit filled sleep. Turning on the sink she splash water on her face and towel dried it. Then headed back to bed praying the dream stayed gone this time.

At seven the alarm went off next to her. The rest of her night had finished off with out much of anything happening and her dreams were just as uneventful. Still tired she shoved her self from bed and began to dress. Once done Alice headed into her kitchen to fix coffee. As it perked in the auto coffee pot she went off to the bathroom washing her face. Seeing the dark circles under her eyes she shook her head" makeup need makeup this morning." She rummaged through her makeup on the counter finding what she needed and hid the marks of her sleepless nights. With another look in the mirror she smiled" nearly perfect." She muttered. 

Turning out to the kitchen she grabbed her to hiccup and filled it with the coffee . She then grabbed her purse and her keys and left the apartment for work. She worked up town but lived down town. It wasn't because she couldn't afford better but because it was closer to the parks for running. Taking twenty ninth street she continued on to work. Her cab driver only smirked as she hadn't heard his question on how her morning was going. Her mind was replaying the dream that changed very little each night. Perhaps seeing more of the stranger . The way he moved or perhaps a scenery change but it was always the same . Running and then waking up. 

As the driver stopped in front of a company building with large letters reading WEST GATE ADT on it she handed him the fair and stepped out of the cab in her slacks and blue satin blouse. Making her way into the building and past several people she waved at on her way up stairs. She was the Secretary to a one of the lawyers there but she hated the job. It was way to boxed in for her yet at the time being she needed it to stay afloat.Her day progressed slowly on as phone calls were answered 

Draven pondered his dreams as he sat with in his lemo the driver glancing at him every so often. " Are you okay Sir?" The old man said in a soft tone . He had been with the Vanlinch family for years and after Draven's parents died he helped the young man . But these days Draven seemed preoccupied with his thoughts. And though concerned the questions he asked his charge were always polite. Draven looked at Alies in a silent way before answering him. His tone though deep was kind in its manner" Yeah just .... well my dreams are getting the better of me." Alies raised a brow as he said " Dreams sir? What is in these dreams if I might ask?" The way Draven looked at the man in that silent way Alies said" Is it a girl sir?" Draven merely noded " Ah then perhaps you have found her at last." Draven only noded in silence as he thought about the red haired girl with stunning green eyes. " Perhaps only in my dreams." As the car came to a stop Draven climbed out, Alise said" Same time in the morning sir?" A nod of Dravens head gave the driver his answer.

Walking in silence past the door and into the house that seemed so empty Draven fixed his dinner and sat down in front of the TV . Picking up the remote he flipped through the channels stopping on the 13 news . And then there she was, the woman from his dreams. Turning the volume up he caught the last of the news broadcast" The well to do company will be closing come July due to funds dropping. This West Gate Adt company had been a large part of this state and now it will be missed" the broadcast ended giving the address at the bottom. " Now I know where to go. " 

Turning the tube off and putting his dishes away for the maid to wash in the morning Draven headed off to bed. And to perhaps his dream with her again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2016 ⏰

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