Diary 7

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"URGH! Midterm is today!" Krystal groaned.

"I felt like I'm not ready for this at all." Bomi said.

"Tell me about it. Omo! I forgot the formula for our math test! Eeottke?!" Krystal exclaimed.

Naeun was actually studying as Krystal turned to her.

"Aigoo, I don't know how you do it, Naeun." She said.

"What do you mean?" Naeun asked as she turned the page of her notes.

"Let's see. You have good grades, good citizenship and you have nurse training almost every other day. I really don't know how you do it, like seriously. You're smarter than I am." Krystal replied.

Naeun giggled and out her notebook away.

"Just study hard on the major you wanted." She said.
Naeun was at her locker, picking up her binder, but as when she closes....


Naeun gasped.

"Yah, Kai! You have to scare me?"

Kai chuckled at her.
"I thought you noticed me from a far."

"I don't think so." She said.

"Anyway, what are you doing after school?" Kai asked.
"Since it's midterm, my brother is taking me shopping since he's back from college." Naeun replied.

"Ah, hanging out with your siblings today. That sounds fun." He said.

"What about you?" Naeun asked.
"Me? My brothers...don't have the time." Kai replied as he looked away.

Naeun felt bad for asking that question.

"Minhae, I just thought...Suho would---"

"It's okay. Suho is a great brother but...the oldest one in the family came back home from military." Kai said.

"Well that's great, isn't it? Or something like that." Naeun said.

"It's great but....I'm sorry, Naeun. It's kind of a long story." Kai said, sighing.

"It's okay. I understand. Hey! Maybe we can hang out sometimes, you know." Naeun suggested.

Kai couldn't believe what he just heard. He saw her cute smile, smiling at him. He couldn't help but blush a little. Which Naeun didn't notice.

"S-sure. Just make up the date." Kai said.

Naeun giggled and nodded.
"Well, see you later then."
Kai went to the company for training and his older brother, Kim Jaejoong was there to train him. He didn't like it but he ignored him all day long.

Kai decided to go shopping to get his mind cleared up.

Naeun is with her brothers at the shop.

She giggled as Ye-Jun got whipped cream on his nose.

She took a napkin and wiped the cream off.

"Yah! I'm not a baby." He said.
"You still are to me." She said.

Daehyun chuckled at them.

"Let's get going. We going to have lots of fun." He said.

Kai was walking around until he saw something.

A necklace that had a heart shaped locket. He stared at for a while as he thought of Naeun wearing it.

"Why am I thinking of Naeun again?" He mumbled.

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