Ch. 1

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In the Rainbow Factory, where your fears and horrors come true

In the Rainbow Factory, where not a single soul gets through

There are many little fillies missing everyday. Nopony knows why. Mainly, its the Pegusi. After they take their flying exam, the ones who failed disappeared.

But many blamed for the flying factory that floats above their heads. The Rainbow Factory. It may sound all bright and happy, but its not.

When you look up at Cloudsdale, dont expect a warm welcoming from one of the workers who fly by. They kidnap, kill, and even steal their colors.

No Pegusi has ever returned after failing. There has been rumors that they show you your worst failures in life to make you feel like nothing. Thats how they get to you easily.

Those young fillies better watch out, they'll be next. And so will i.

I used to adore my idol, she inspired me to try stunts. She even tried helping me fly. Sadly, she was the one who nearly killed me. But im really upset of what i did to her. I wished i haven't done it. And what I've become.

It was morning down here in Ponyville, beautiful day. What i heard was suppose to be clear, guess the Pegusi didnt get the memo.

Of course the only chilled Pegusas i know is Rainbow Dash. My idol, my fate. She hardly clears the skies like shes suppose to. You have to literally tell her to do it. Of course when i grow up im going to be just like her.

But for now, im just going to perform awesome stunts on my scooter. I flapped my wings really fast as i rolled down the sidewalk.

Everypony was watching me as i sped my way through traffic.

"Coming through," i yelled.

I nearly ran over a colt when i was moving faster.

"I bet this is a new record!"

I should be practicing for my flying exam, but what would be the fun in that. I mean its not like something bad would happen if i fail, right?

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