Chapter 3

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Ji Sae's P.O.V

I got up by my alarm ringing. I look at the clock and it's 8 am. I got up from my bed and went in the bathroom to take a shower.

I got out of my bathroom and change. I use long sleeve denim and tuck it in my white jeans along with a thin black belt. If it's not eommas request to dress properly, i would have just use a tshirt and jeans. I put on my boots and did my normal basic makeup.

After i'm done, i went downstairs. "Morning Aunt Ji Sae!" - my nieces and nephews greeted with wide smiles.

"Morning kids." - i greeted back with a smile. I walk to the dining table and eat my breakfast.

After breakfast, i look at the clock and it's almost 10 so i got up and meet Ra Won for a whil . "Ra Won, i'll drive today. You can rest. If appa ask why didn't you drive, say that i want to drive myself." - i said to Ra Won.

"Yes Ma'am. Thank you." - Ra Won said and bowed.

"You can go and rest now. If you have not eaten breakfast, eat first." - I said.

"Okay Ma'am. I'll go in first. Thank you once again." - Ra Won said and gave me another bow before entering my house. I waited for eomma in my car.

While waiting, i'll call Hed. After a few rings, he answered. "Yes Ma'am."

"I'll be coming late. Take care of the kids. If anything happens, call me. I'll be in Hongdae." - i said.

"Noted Ma'am." - he said and ended the call. Just in time, my mom got in my car.

"Why didn't you ask Ra Won to drive?" - eomma asked as she pulled the belt and buckled it.

"I want to drive. Let him rest." - i said and mom shook her head. I started driving to Hongdae.

"Eomma, must i go in the restaurant with you too? Wait why do you wanna go there?" - i asked.

"Yes and you must be with me. I wanna meet my friend." - eomma said, looking out of the window. That's weird. She always meet her friend alone.

Whatever, i get to eat. I eat a lot okay. I can't be weak. I gotta eat to gain energy. The weird thing is, i eat a lot but i don't gain weight. I'm still tiny and thin.

When we arrive, the both of us got off the car and walk in the restaurant. "Good Morning Mrs Kim. Good Morning Ma'am." - the staffs greeted us with smiles and bowed.

My mom greeted them with a smile while i gave my usual shot nod. We went to the second floor where only vips can enter.

We sit near the window cause i want to see the view from downstairs. And i also can see if any gangs wanna mess with me. We ordered our food and waiting for eomma's friend to come.

"Annyeonghaseyo Hyun Ni!" - i heard a lady greeted my eomma. I turned my head and saw the same lady in my house yesterday.

"Oh finally you're here! Come take a seat." - eomma said and smiled.

"Annyeonghaseyo." - i greeted with a 90 degree bow and smile.

"Mrs Jeon." - the lady said.

"Right, annyeonghaseyo Mrs Jeon."

"Anmyeong Ji Sae-ah." - Mrs Jeon greeted me back with a smile and sit next to me. My eomma sat across me. Mrs Jeon ordered her food.

"Where is the person you're talking about?" - eomma asked out of a sudden. There's someone coming? Who is it?

"He's on his way here." - Mrs Jeon said and the both of them continued talking while i looked out of the window.

"Sorry. I'm late. My hyungs were taking their sweet time." - i heard a man said. I turned my head and saw a very good looking guy. He's so handsome! Damn. He greeted my mom and Mrs Jeon while i was just staring at him.

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