Alter Ego (Marcel/Harry fanfic)

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My annoying alarm clock went off. I slapped it and shut it up. I sat up and stretched then rubbed my eyes. I looked out my window and smiled.

'perfect' I thought

The sun was up which meant I could go for a quick swim before getting ready for school. I quickly put my bikini on and ran down the stairs to the sliding glass door. I grabbed a beach towel from outside and draped it over a chair. I walked around the pool to the deep end and dove in. It felt so refreshing as the cool water hit my skin. I came up to the surface and smiled. I tilted my head back and let the water fan my hair out. I pulled my arm up to check on my newest tattoo 'Veni Vedi Vici' which means 'I came, I saw, I concurred'. I smiled at it. I just looked up at the sky and relaxed


I rolled my eyed and got out, wrapping my towel around me. I went to my bathroom and showered quickly before I got dressed. I then quickly French braided my two braids. My mother hates the colored streaks in my hair. They are dark purple but you can still see them. She makes me French braid my hair everyday do no one will see them. She also makes me wear long sleeves so no one sees my tattoos. She hates them because they remind her of dad. She hates reminders of dad since he died over the summer. I placed my glasses on my face and stood up. I sighed and pulled on my clothes. Yeah I got made fun of for them and I hated that but I blocked it out. I smoothed down my clothes and I straitened my glasses. I clasped my necklace on and I grabbed my white flats and slid them on. I looked at myself in my full body mirror. I made sure that my necklace chain with my dads wedding ring on it was secured. I looked at myself in the mirror one last time before I grabbed my school bag. I walked down stairs right when there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" I yelled and opened the door to see the new kid Marcel

"hi Marcel. Why are you here?" I asked

"I live just down the street and one of our teachers told me to bring this too you since you were gone yesterday." he held out a book

"oh thank you. I'll see you at school yeah?"

"umm okay. Bye." he handed me the book an walked away

I smiled slightly. My heart fluttered a bit when he gave it to me. Wait what am I thinking?! I can't like him! He's complete nerd! I just have an alter ego that's a nerd. Marcel is just...well...Marcel. The nerdy guy behind thick frame glasses. I can't like him.

I put the book in my bag and shut the door. I walked to the kitchen to see that my mom had placed a bowl of fruit on the table for me. I sat down an began eating.

"when are these guests coming?" I asked before putting a cube of watermelon in my mouth

"they aren't. They canceled last minute."

"so I could still be swimming?!"

"no. You took a longer shower than you thought. It's almost 7:30."

"shoot!" I quickly ate the rest of my fruit and went to brush my teeth.

I finished and ran back down stairs to grab my bag and my car keys.

"bye mom. See you later."

We have about 5 cars. 2 corvettes, a mustang, the van, and my vw bug. I drive the bug to go with my nerd self. I could drive the corvettes If I wanted. I was content with the big though. I got in and started driving. I always get to school by 7:45 even though school doesnt start until 8:10. That made me wonder why Marcel was going to school so early...I shrugged. It must just be a part of his nerdy personality. I parked and got out. I went to the coffee machine in the cafeteria and got some coffee. I then walked to the library to find a new book to read. I walked in to see Marcel sitting on one of the couches reading. Since when does he come in here? I frowned and cocked my head in a bit of confusion. Oh well. I sat down on one of the other couches and I opened my book. Well the book marcel had given me for class. It was an Edgar Allen Poe book. With all of his stories and poems. I sighed and started reading. Poetry isn't my favorite but it's okay...I flipped to a story called "cask of amontillado". I started reading and I sighed. I started biting my fingernails. It's a bad habit of mine. What the heck? This story is weird...And a bit morbid...I guess I made a weird face because I looked up at Marcel who was looking at me chuckling. I gave him a little playful glare and continued to read. I blushed. Marcel was looking at me. Stop! Stop thinking you like him! The bell rang, signaling that we have 5 minutes to get to class. I got up an threw my empty coffee cup away and started towards first period. Thankfully I don't have that class with Marcel. I sighed and sat down in my usual seat, the center in the front of the class. "of course Meechy is here. Little nerd." I heard someone say from the back of the room.

Meechy is my middle name and people have called me that since 1st grade. Even the teachers call me that. I think that that's cause my mom started applying me to school under that name. I sighed at the thought. My dad never called me Meechy. Always Lys or Alyssa. I frowned at the though of my dad. I twisted the ring on its chain. I sighed and pushed my tears back. "hey Meechy! How's your dad?!" someone yelled

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2013 ⏰

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