and to think I loved you (a Mikey Fusco Love Story)

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A/N hey everyone!! So this is my first story on my account so I hope you all like it!♥ I'm going to try and update every week if I can (: Enjoy! ide love to hear your feedback so message me or comment and vote! THANKS♥

Jessie's POV


I hit the snooze on my alarm clock and rolled over in my warm bed. Sadly I rolled a little to far off. "CRAP" I said letting out a shriek of pain. I fixed my red bed sheet and laid my white down comforter neatly in top of it. I straightened up my other red and white pillows and put the fuzzy red and black ones and silver sequened ones on top. I got up and ran to my bathroom. Today is the day. Finally.

It's the last day of 8th grade, summer here I come. I sat in my sink and started doing my mascara. Ya weird I know, but I have the worst eye sight it makes sence I need to be close to the mirror. My excitment grew more and more as I finished up my eyeliner around my chocolate brown eyes.

My stomach did flips. I just wanted to get to school. I completed my makeup with my foundation and bronzer and then straightened my brown hair with carmel highlights. I then added a waterfall braid on one side of my head. Just as I finished Jaycee barged in my room. "HEY GIRL HEY" she screamed. I trudged out of my bathroom and back into my bedroom to find Jaycee fixing her outfit in my mirror.

The mirror completly covered one of my walls. She was wearing black high wasted shorts a tan and green flowered crop top with a tan sweater cardigan, and she had black sandals on. Her light brown hair was curled down to her belly button and her makeup was simply mascara and foundation. Jaycee was my best friend in the whole world since sixth grade when she moves here from New York.

I honestly love her to death. She always came over in the morning to get ready with me considering she lives right across the street."JESS WHY AREN'T YOU READY YET!" she freaked "Jace it's only 6 am school starts at 8 chill" "Seriously it's that early! What the hell, I thought It was 7:30..My alarm clock must be broken or some shit" She whined falling on my bed. "Sucks for you doesn't it" I laughed "oh whatever" she smirked. "Make yourself useful and help me pick out an outfit" I said opening my closet. "Do it yourself"

"PLEASE Jace just help me" I pouted "Fine" she grunted while getting up to join me by my closet. "Okay atleast turn on the light so I can see your clothes better." I walked over to my black night stand and took the remote that connected to the chandelier. I hit the on button and my room lit up. I walked back over to Jaycee and she had already picked out 3 outfits for me to choose from.

" No, no, perfect!" I gleamed. I chose the white crop top and light pink brandi skirt with a thin dark brown belt. For my shoes I put on my black combat boots and then I added a bunch my colorful bracelets to my wrist. "You look hot Jess" "You don't look to bad either." I looked straight into her hazel eyes and we burst out into laughter. "Hah this Is why your my bestfriend" Jaycee giggled.

Since we had like 30 minutes till we had to leave we went downstairs and shared a pop tart. "What's wrong Jess" Jaycee asked with concern filling her voice. "Summer is just about to start" "why is that a bad thing?"

"It's not, honestly I'm so happy I cant even seem to function correctly" "Its not fair, when school ends your going strait New jersey to visit your hot cousin and I have to wait a month till I can go out there!" "Well It's better then not being able to go at all" I protested "I guess your right" she sighed. "Girls let's go!" my mom yelled from the other room. I snatched up my black jansport backpack and Jaycee took her white one.

We met my mom in the car and drove to school. My iphone started to buzz like crazy. I turned it around and of course it was him.

Text messages

Madswag♥: Hey cuz;) Can't wait to see you miss you! have an awesome last day!

Madswag♥: Aunt Christine is so excited to see you Jess. She has been talking about you comin for weeks now! My ears are hurting!!!

Madswag♥: Oh and I know a certain spikey headed dude is waiting for you as well (:

Madswag♥: JESS are you even packed yet??? I know you always wait till the last minute! Your such a procrastinator! 


Madswag♥: Love you♥

I was laughing and smiling like an idiot. So I finally texted him back.

Me: LMFAO mad you didn't have to send 50 txts. One would have been enough. Anyway miss ya too cuz!! (: can't wait to see you and Aunt Christine! And yes Madison I am packes thank ya very much (:♥ I won't forget to bring it. love you too (:

end of texts

I put my phone away and we pulled up infront of our school. "Bye girls have a great day love you!" My mom said "love you too" we said in unison. We stepped out of the car and were ready to face the last day of middle school.

and to think I loved you (a Mikey Fusco Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now