Hi guys first time i will make a short story hope you like it
Once upon a time there was a girl name Marj she is beautiful white skin chubby long hair but curled she was 13 years old she was studying at Angelus Academy she will be graduating grade six she was preparing for her school now she go to schol
(at the class)
Hi girls said marj hi marj said the girls the girls name was Chelse,Zandra and Beachi marja close classmate opsss the bell ring its english time teacher jojo is the english teacher good morning class good morning miss jojo okay class before we start i will introduce to the new transfered boy come in introduce your self
Hi my name is Chija Apuli im 12 years old nice to meeting you the girls(tili) marj said to herself he is handsome chubby cute okay now you may sit teacher jojo said okay its end our lesson good bye class good bye miss next subject math and then we start and after that its recess time chija said to marj hi marj hi nice to meeting you your so preety thanks you so cute chelse beachi zandra was so tiliian omg and they beacame gf and bf and the live happily ever after the END !
thanks for reading