Contradiction and Hypocrites

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You sit in church.....Listening to the preacher preach about proverty but yet he looks to his wrist and adjust the $2000 dollar rolex watch he just recently bought and dismisses church because he just got a text from his bank that a deposit was made by a business he works for and so now he makes his way to his $200,000 dollar car that you yourself would be unable to buy with two life time savings. But yet the Preacher was able to afford it with just minutes and little effort, Now yom might ask yourself why? The same answer I give to everyone......I don't know. Did the Preacher work harder then you in school? Or maybe because he knew of a way to make a quick buck? Or God gave him a blessing, But if he did why not give you a blessing? You do the same things he does but what is the difference? You spend more time at the church then the pastor so why aren't you blessed with the money to buy your family  things they want and need? Just like I said before........I don't know

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