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Being unconscious Katrina's life flashed before her. She reminisced on her wedding day; back when she was genuinely happy. From the beautiful scenery and the heart warming vows, to the blast of a reception and tasty food. How could she forget about the honeymoon in Florence. She also remembers the excitement on his face when he became mayor. But from there it all went downhill. The lies, heartache, abuse, and abandonment. The abuse was terrible. On some nights her husband, Bradford, would come home late drunk and he would wake her out of her sleep to try and have sex with her. When she disagreed he felt enraged. He'd brutally beat her and force her into having sex.

>flash back<

"Babe?" Bradford called drunkily before laying down in bed. "No, Go to sleep Bradford." Katrina mumbled. "Aw c'mon hun" he said snaking his arms around her waist. "I said no Bradford. Now go to bed!" she said slightly raising her voice. Hearing that, didnt please Bradford at all and he soon went into rage. Violently, Bradford began to rip her pajama bottoms off and pin her to the bed with force. Ignoring her pleads for him to stop and to get away from her, he laughed instead. "You are so pretty when you cry." He said while unbuckling his pants and putting himself at her entrance. Hearing her screams from down the hall, Derrick made his way out of his bedroom and busted through the closed door. As soon as he noticed what was happening, he pulled Bradford off of her and pushed him to the floor. He was always there to save her.

>End of flashback<

Then there was the time Bradford had a long stressful day at work and came home to Katrina sound asleep instead of making dinner. Yelling, he forcefully grabbed her out of bed and pushed her down the stairs. "Go make my dinner, or we'll have problems." were the slurred drunken words Katrina received. She was badly hurt, and ended up with an broken elbow. But of course she complied to make him happy.

Tired of the abuse Katrina left, with no warning or communication as to where she was going. She sat in her motel room and ran to the bathroom throwing her breakfast back up. She slowly stood from the toilet bowl and walked over to the sink rinsing her mouth and brushing her teeth. Immediately, Katrina grabbed her car keys and drove to the hospital to get her stomach checked out. Figuring she had food poison she wasn't on edge, but just to make sure she needed a confirmation.

She arrived to the hospital and signed in. Patiently waiting, her name was called. The doctors ran a series of tests on her and told her that she was going on 4 weeks pregnant. Katrina was excited. The child may not have been conceived out of love, but the baby was still innocent. Katrina was also excited to tell Bradford the news and maybe he'd change knowing that he had a baby on the way.

Leaving the doctor's office, Katrina drove straight home. Walking up to the porch she noticed the front door was wide open. Cautiously walking inside of the house Katrina repeatedly called Bradford's name, only to get no response. Katrina looked down and noticed a trail of blood and followed it; it lead her to the bathroom where she found a tie. Not just an average tie, it was a purple tie covered in blood. In panic she called the police reporting that she'd found her husband's infamous purple colored tie covered in blood and that he was missing.

this isnt that long but it's enough to hold you over until monday 😂😊

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