The Blind Love

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I meet him years ago in a park that was blooming with spring. The birds chirped their lovely songs, and crickets sang their soft melody. I was a little girl with my hair pulled up in braids, and my smile had teeth missing. I was playing on the toys they had provided for us at the park. I was a little boy sitting by his mother. He was all alone on a bench not too far from where I was playing. All the other kids kind of avoided him. My mother taught me to include everyone and not to leave anyone out. So, from the lessons I had learned form my mother I went over to that little boy. "Hi, my name is Madison, but everyone calls me Madi," I said introducing myself to him. He was kind of off a little. He didn't look at me directly, and I wondered why. The answer to that question was put into his reply,

"Hi, my name's Zack and I'm blind," he said smiling a little bit.

"What's blind?" I asked looking at him. Still he did not look me in the eyes. His mother leaned over to me.

"Blind is when you can't see anything. Although he can't see you; he can hear you," she said answering my question.

"Oh, want to play with me?" I asked still wondering why he was blind.

"I would love to play! Mom, can I please play with her?"

"I guess you can," she said sighing.

We both were happy that she had agreed and from that day on Zack and I became best friends. He told me all of his secrets and trusted me like I trusted him. I told him everything about me and you could hardly ever separate us. Our mothers told us that we were linked at the hips.

As the years went on, I fell in love with him. By the time we were both sixteen, he was handsome; to me, he was anyways, with his dark brown hair and deep ocean blue eyes. I sometimes wish I could see his lovely face again and feel his arms around me in a hug.

It stared on a Saturday morning. I had jus finished my chores and walked over to his house. Just before I went to the door I looked at his house. He lived in a normal house just like any normal person did. His house was a two story house, and it had everything in it that a normal house has. The outside was layered nicely with red bricks that had been worn down by years of weather. The shingles on his house were a sun bleached brown. The house had five windows you could see in the front with dark brown shutters. Around the perimeter, there was a white picket fence. They had trees that sprang up from the ground giving the house some shade. Outside of the fence was a blue suburban sitting by the curb. There were stairs leading to his front porch and approached the big wooden door.

When we were little Zack and I came up with a special knock to tell the other who was at the door. it was Zack's idea. He had the idea when he said, "I want to know when you knock on my door. I want to know so that I myself can meet you there." The special knock was three times hard, two times soft. That's how we always knocked on each others doors.

Looking at the big wooden door I knocked on the door--three times hard, two times soft. I heard soft footsteps inside and they grew louder as they got closer to the door. The door swung open to reveal Zack standing in the doorway.

"Hello, Madi!" he said his beautiful smile breaking through.

"Hi, Zack!" I said smiling back even though he couldn't see it. He opened his arms and I went to them. He folded them around me and they were like a blanket warming me to my soul.

"Want to come hang out?" I asked him breaking off the hug. He sighed unhappily and I knew I wasn't going to like what he was going to say.

"I wish I could, but I'm going to my grandma's house. I haven't visited her for a little while," he said shuffling his feet. I pulled back a little from him and stared at him for a moment or two. Then, I looked at the ground and was grateful he couldn't see my face.

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