Chapter 1

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It was morning, Tuesday.
"Lizzy, wake up and get ready for school!" My mum shouted to me from her room. "I need to clean my room after school," I muttered to myself. I woke my sister up after getting dressed I surprised she's still asleep. After me and my sister got ready for school we headed off, my mum stopped us and gave us a hug. "Eww" my sister (Zoe) complained " What is it, Zoe?" I asked with a puzzled face, "i stepped on a snail!"

-Time skip to school-

After dropping Zoe of I headed to high school, I knew it was going to be a terrible, it was her, her face makes me cringe just looking at it, the school bully Elizabeth and her so 'called' friends. "Hello lizzy," she sased at me "What do you want?" I asked in a high toned voice " Temper, temper I was only trying to be polite," she snorted like a pig, she pushed me out of way whilst her 'girl gang' stood there laughing. The bell went and I headed to maths class, a boy sat next to me I believe he's called Sean, he looked over at me with his crystal clear blue eyes, my cheeks went a dark shade of pink , "Are you ok, there? Sean asked in is deep voice, " I..I think so," I shivered. I decided to move to my friend Sam, unluckily Miss Avor (my math teacher)
entered and everyone sat in silence, she was a very stricked teacher, she did the register.
"What, uh... Yes here definitely not asleep" giggles could be heard across the room
"Here Miss" I said in embarrassment, I don't know why
"Ok students, get out your book and pencils... Ok today we're going to be doing fractions," Miss Avor declared, I just sighed and went with it.

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