Dear: dennis
he old man opened the door to his large office, walked in, unbuttoned his robe and hung it on the coat stand. He walked over and laid a file folder on his desk and sat down in his leather chair. He opened the folder, took out the five-page document, folded back to first page at the staple and began to read.
I’ll start writing today the events and accounts of our true Hollywood romance, No not Hollywood, Bigger than Hollywood, can’t even be called a fairytale romance cause that would imply make believe. “The Greatest Love Story Ever told.” Yes, that’s perfect, that’s what it will be called. I think I’ve heard that title used before but it is particularly fitting for our story. The other ones can have Hollywood or fairytale I don’t care, “The Greatest Love Story” That’s ours now.
Our first face to face.
Her eyes, so close, melt me.
She asked me to hold the elevator, I of course obliged.
Her arms are full of groceries, struggling to make it before the door closes.
I reach out with one hand and hold the door, catch an orange that falls from her bags with the other hand. Goddamn that was cool, like James Bond.
Calmly, very cool, I say, “ looks like you could use an extra set of hands, Please, use mine.”
Such a beautiful smile, She sets her bags on the elevator floor, takes the orange from my hand, our hands brush, warmth stirs within me. “ Thank you very much, I should be ok though, my apartment is just outside the elevator door. 7th Floor.”
I press the number 7 button for her.
Of course I already know this, room 702, that’s her.
Mr. Telman , The building maintenance super, filled me in two years ago.
“Yeah Jimmy I know her, 702 I think, her names Kattie.” "Real nice girl Jimmy, very polite”
You can say that again Mr. Telman, Real nice girl, very polite but you forgot stunningly beautiful and mine.
The elevator door opens on the 7th, she picks up her groceries and steps out, “Thanks for your help.” So polite.
Two years since she moved in, one year ago old Mrs. Stombry in apartment 802 died right above her.
Cranky bitch landlord finally agrees to let me move into 802 after my fourth complaint about leaking waterlines. Stupid bitch doesn’t know what can be accomplished with a propane torch. Just heat up the solder of a joint and bingo, another leak. Surprised Telman didn’t figure it out.
Her taste in music and mine are exact, Sarah McLaughlin, Allanis Morrisette, Madonna, Kenny G. I try and play the same Cd that she is playing so my music doesn’t disturb her.
$280.00 bucks at Mr. Music to buy all those Cd’s, But I think I got all the same ones she has. How many couples have the exact same taste in music like that? Some silly punk will scoop up all my old cd’s that I left in the lobby down stairs. Thrash metal, what was I thinking? God I’m glad I grew up.
It was pretty hard to figure out, just by listening at the floor, who the artists were that she was playing. Once I tore up the floor behind my couch and removed the insulation between my floor and her ceiling it was much easier to hear.
An Hour of music while on the Stairmaster every day, no wonder she is in unbelievable shape. To think I lifted weights all those lonely, quiet hours. There is nothing like an hour on the Stairmaster while listening to a great album. Now that’s a work out. I wish someone would hurry up and buy my weight set; it has been in the “buy and sell” for 7 months. Hopefully I get enough to pay off my loan for the Stairmaster because my one year no interest no payment is coming due.