I don't even know the title yet...

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"I don't know about this," I said.

"Come on," said Damien, live for once in your life.

I felt my cheeks flush, this always got me angry. I was tired of being the "stick in the mud" friend that wasn't fun to be around. Sure I was good to have around to help out with geometry homework and a good person to listen and give advice about boyfriend problems and things like that but that's about it. I'm not the girl you'd call if you wanted to have a wild and crazy night, my idea of a crazy night is staying out until 10:05 even thought my curfew is 10. I know what your thinking. Badass. But anyways back to my point, I've never really had a super fun night where I just went crazy and I just started dating Damien 2 weeks ago, I didn't want him to be bored with me already!

"Alright," I said, "I'll do it. Just to show you I CAN live on the edge a little"

"Babe it's just a party. Most teenagers do it. Not exactly living on the edge."

"Whatever don't ruin this for me."

"Alright Zoey, whatever floats your boat",he says laughing then hangs up.

Whatever floats my boat, I thought, who says that? I got out of bed and tried to to find something halfway decent to wear to a party. I'd even been to one before. I know that your thinking, a 16 year old who's never been to a party before? Lame. As I rummaged through all my clothes I figured I should go for a look that is kind of sexy. I had nothing even close to the. Just a wardrobe full of t shirts, embarrassing sweaters from my grandma, jeans, and sneakers. This will not do I decided as I as I creeped up to my sisters room. She'd kill me if she ever saw me borrowing clothes from her but she was probably put fucking some random dude so what would it matter anyways? I walked into her room and was immediately disgusted. This place is an OCD persons worst nightmare. Bras, thongs, beer cans, even a used condom littered the floor. Classy, I thought as I looked around. I walked over to her closet which was exactly opposite of mine. Filled with all kinds of new sexy clothes like little tank tops, mini skirts, t shirts that were way too small and didn't go past her belly button. We were both opposites actually. Her having beautiful platinum blonde hair, mine being super curly and frizzy. She always wore all the right makeup and had perfect skin, I didn't wear any because it never looked right on me and I had so many freckles I looked like a 13 year old. She also had the perfect slim body and me, well I'm not exactly fat but not exactly skinny either. Every guy loves my sister and she gets flirted with all the time but I'm a little but shy and never really know how to respond to guys making moves on me. I like to be on my own and not be around huge groups of people so tonight is a pretty big thing for me. Suddenly me cell phone rang, it was Damien.

I answered it, "Hello"

"Hurry the fuck up I've been waiting out here"

"Sorry, I'll be out in a sec I..."

"Just hurry up," he commanded cutting me off.

Uh oh he's mad I thought.

I quickly slipped on one of my sisters mini skirts then one of her skimpy black tanktops and looked in the mirror.

This will do, I thought as I looked at myself. I put on some flip flips then hurried to my opened window and climbed out down the drain pipe. I expected Damien to be very angry for taking so long but instead of yelling at me he took one look and said "Damn Zoey you look hot" as he pulled me in for a hug and squeezed my ass making my heart best faster because no ones ever done that to me before but I actually kinda liked it. Damien is a black, 6'5, 18 year old guy who smoked weed, partied, hooked up a lot and had lots of fun. What he sees in me I will never know. My parents would never approve of him so we have to hang out in secret. He kissed me very long slowly, our lips were hot pressed together and I felt like electricity was shooting through my body. Finally he stopped and said, "Common baby we better get to Davis's before all the alcohol and pot is gone." As we climbed into his truck the only thing running through my mind was, this is going to be an interesting night.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2013 ⏰

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