Poem's from when i was in middle school :)

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                                                                   My name is

Hi, my name is.... well I don't have a name, I am nothing. I sit in a corner all alone, with the tears eyes taking my words away. I look at the people who turned their backs to me and pretended that i was invisible......

Alway's alone.

I have no parents to call my own or friends to laugh and play with. My life is a nightmare;  to scary to dicribe.

My name is a meaningless word........

M name has been striped from it's roots and left to die. My name was left behind like the last rose that nobody semed to want.

My name has gone from my lifeless and on to another who might have used my name to it's fullist.

My name was once a part of me but now my name is gone, a part of me has left and i fight to try to maintian the last few pecies of my that are left.

My name was once a part of me but now, i have a new name

Poem's from when i was in middle school :)Where stories live. Discover now