Chapter 1

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I was watching my favorite movie creed. I always watch movies every Friday because it was barely anything for me to do and my new apartment.

"Rose I met this new guy and he is totally hot and he invited me to this party tonight!" Gwen said as she raned in my room.

"Ok I'm happy for you but what that got to do with me."

"And he said I can bring a friend so your coming with me!"

"Absolutely not!"

"Why not!"

"First of all you barely even know this boy. Second why go some where and their isn't anyone we know! And lastly I don't even have nothing to wear!"

"Please rose! It will be fun and we will be together and we can pick out a really cute outfit please!" As she was begging me with her lips poked out like she was five.

"Ugh fine!"

She went to go take a shower as I did the same and my bathroom. I was in my robe  as we picked us out a outfit to wear then we got dressed and did our hair.

I was wearing a classy bash dress and brown sandals and my hair was curled. Gwen hair was in a classy bun but she weared a tight short blue dress and she wore some short hills.

The guy named was Jay and he picked us up from our apartment. He was wearing a white shirt and black pants. He was very strong s muscular. He kept looking at Gwen and I just hoped that he was thinking of good things instead of bad.

40 minutes later we pulled up at this mansion and we walked in to a room that could be a castle ball room.

Me and Gwen was enjoying our selves as we laughed talked and dance. That's when Jay walked up on stage and everyone stopped what they were doing.

"Everyone clap for your alpha as he arrive!"
Everyone clapped me and Gwen was just confused.
A man with black hair and hazel eyes with a muscular body walked on stage and sat down in his seat. He was tall and very charming.

I mean his face made me want to melt inside and I felt butterflies in my stomach but I didn't understand why. How can I like someone I don't know.

I guess he felt me staring at him and turned around to face me. He started to stare at me as I did as if I couldn't move my own eyes. His eyes changed into like a ocean blue.

I looked away and started talking to Gwen like nothing was happening. Jay came over to us and said "I would like y'all both to stay once everyone leave and the alpha commands to meet with you"
I looked at him like he was crazy but I said ok. Why would someone like that want to talk to me? I had so many questions in my head but I know once I start looking at him I would be speechless!

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