¤Evidence folder 1¤

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Someone pounds on the front door and Sarah hesitates to answer it. Her hands quiver at the thought of what is behind that door. Her eyes grasp for her mothers attention, but her mother is up stairs, and the mire yelling in Sarah's head wont do. She must stop being a helpless little girl and answer the door. Although Sarah is 17, just turned, she still has a problem with her fears. We all have them, but hers are quite different. She thinks up crazy things, bad obstacles. She sees only the bad possibilities, never the good, unless shes around her friend Kevin.

Short dark blonde hair, dark green eye on the left, light green on the right, 5'11 in height, toned. He would always wear a red sweater Sarah gave him last Christmas. Sarah could never stand a chance against him in a beauty contest. While Kevin wears dark blonde hair, hers is lighter then his, to the point of white hair, her skin is pale to the bone, her eyes are a nightly shade of green, her height is 5'8, and though Kevin sees her as beautiful, she sees herself as a sorry excuse of a girl with her top off. So she never takes her shirt off her torso, not even in the shower.

Sarah observes the sound of the knuckles banging on the door and thinks, 'what if its Kevin, shit! If it is, that sucks, its pouring outside and I'm just sitting hear being a little pussy'. She jolts up and rushes to the door. As she reaches for that knob, another pound against the door attacks Sarah's heartbeat. ' if it was Kevin, he wouldn't be knocking this hard, but who else would come to my house except......ah shit!' Thinks Sarah. Sarah slowly turns the knob and before she can open the door, it swings open and slams on her face.

"You bitch! Selena! Why the fuck would you open the door as I'm fucking pulling it!" Shouts Sarah.

Selena. Long, straight black hair, always wearing make-up, big chest, dark brown eyes, practically black, like she has no soul, latina. The reason Sarah thinks she's imperfect. Selena just smirks at Sarah as she's holding her nose. Then her father comes in, Sarah's. Step dad, Selena's father. He also has black hair, but his is short and glossed 24/7. He measures to the height of about a bear, his skin is naturally tan, like Selena's, and his eyes are brown as well.

"Oh, I'm sorry niña. That was my fault." Says Sarah's step dad.

He places his hand in mid air, like he's. Waiting for something. Then Sarah realizes that he's trying to help her up. She places her hand in his and feels the warmth of his palm travel up her spine. He holds his other arm out as if he wanted something more. Sarah slightly tugs once on his warm hand and she hops up. His other arm just lays in mid air. The smile on his face is comforting towards her. He leans in closely and wraps both of his arm around Sarah. Sarah lightly touches her chin where his neck and shoulder meet and she glances forward. Selena glares at her with her arms crossed. Selena rolls her eyes and starts up the stairs. Halfway up she calls for Sarah's mom.

"Jessica! We're here." Informs Selena.

Sarah's mom walks out slowly. As Hugo, Sarah's step dad, unlatches himself from her, Jessica stops on the balcony at the top of the stairs. Sarah stares at her mother with eyes wide enough for them to fall out. Night blue dress, stopping halfway up her thighs. Glimmering diamond necklace, dropping down past her breasts. Blue eyeliner, lining the top of her eyelids. To top it off, her blonde hair neatly piled up with one thin braid falling on her left cheek. While she walks down the stairs to meet Hugo, she makes it seem as if the black heels are none existent to her but clearly seen.

"You ready?" Asks Jessica.

"Since you look sexier than me.......yup, totally ready." Says Hugo.

" Mom, do you think i can go to Kevin's place tonight? We have a paper do on Monday." Exclaims Sarah.

" Yeah sure, make sure you take Selena too." Tells Jessica.

"What! I'm sorry but i have my own plans." Snarls Selena.

The Posessed - Book 1 Of The Posessed SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now