Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Four days later...


Things are sort of how they were before. Zack hasn't really made an appearance since Matt and I got back together and that has helped a lot. In fact, it's helped us grow closer since we don't have him building any wedges between us. Somehow, in this short time together, we have grown more mature; the both of us have. I guess you could say we're almost invincible.

Leaning towards the mirror, I apply my dark red lipstick very carefully. Finished, I pout my lips and admire my reflection. My necklace hangs lopsided, so I adjust it, making sure it's straight and none of its beauty is hindered. I look down at my ring and my fiddling hands. My teeth clamp on my bottom lip slightly as I twist the promise ring Matt gave me around my finger.

I look back up at the mirror and my soul escapes my body. My hand clamps onto my chest and I endeavour to return to the act of breathing properly. That stare has my heart racing. Those eyes so low, daring, predatory. His smug smirk tells me he's pleased with giving me a fright.

"You really shouldn't sneak up on people, Matt." I mumble as I turn to face him and envelop his neck with my arms.

"I wasn't sneaking," he kisses me, "I was admiring your beauty."

His hand dips to my behind. Squeezing, he pushes me into his body, intensifying the contact between us; as well as the passion. Smoothing my hair away from my face, he gazes intently into my eyes and I gaze into his. Time freezes and all that's left are my dark brown eyes and his smooth light brown ones with green flecks. In this moment, the brown is predominant in his eyes, but the green still pokes its head out, refusing to remain hidden. His pupils are dilated. His stare is hungry, wanting, dancing with seduction. Pink and soft, his tongue makes an appearance; sliding slowly over his bottom lip. As it dips back inside his mouth, his teeth clamp on his bottom lip just like mine did a small while ago.

Kiss me already!

Granting my wish, he tilts my head and leans down to meet my lips with his. Sweet. His lips are sweet and gentle against mine. I'm swept off my feet. In so in love with him. Captivating me, his teeth nibble on my lip and he pulls back, taking my lip with him. My airy groan comes out like a gasp. Taking control, his tongue slips between my lips, seeking mine. Finding his prize, he teases me. Our tongues tango together, tasting, claiming, devouring the opponent. I struggle to keep up with his pleasurable pace. Submitting to him, I allow him the control he yearns for. The pleasure becomes intensified. Even though I lost the battle, I feel like I'm winning the war. I leave his talented tongue to simply do what it does best.

He takes my breath away.

"We're going to be late." He breathes during the kiss.

"Shh." I pull on his hair to secure the scarcity of space between us.

The mood of the kiss changes from the passionate make out session, to mellow, playful kisses. My favourite. I feel his lips curve into a smile just before he pulls back and breaks the kiss.

"We should go."

The sweet August weather has fled as we slowly drift into September. Hanging dearly on the trees, the leaves shine as a collage of colours, a polite mixture of greens and yellows and oranges. Gloriously, they sway to the wind's sonata, played gracefully, patiently. The darkening sky is bared of the sun. The faint hue of the sunset vaguely fades away. Light is gone and the darkness is arising. Stars are bound to come out to perform. In the distance, you can see the moon is already up as an opening act; with its frosty, ice white colour, showboating its perfection, iridescent and luminous, refusing it's talent to be hindered.

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