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My feet sunk into sand leaving my footprints trailing behind me. The sand filling the gaps in my toes as I walked closer to what I thought to be a cave.

I walked through the rocky entrance and feel my feet tred onto cold marble stone. It was so I cold I even jumped up nearly even out of my skin, but I carried on walking. It was mostly dark but as I walked further I could see a light at the end.

My feet stopped at the waters edge, beautiful teal water lapped up covering my feet, sliding the sand away, which was stuck in between my toes. I look up as a glint of light strikes upon me, I see the moon, shining bright. I hear a splash as something sturred in the water behind me. I twist around as my mouth drops in awe as my eyes stare at a mermaid.

"Hi my name is Ruby" she stated.
Her name explained everything her fiery hair, velvet eyes all making up her personality and was 'fit' for the name. "Hi, I'm Emma" I replied.

Ruby opened her mouth wide as she explained " It's probably quite obvious that I am a mermaid, but please don't get freaked out Emma" Even though her words sound trusting you can't just automatically believe someone who has a tail!

I really wondered what she wanted from me. Who knew?

Mysterious Moonlit Mermaid Where stories live. Discover now