Chapter 1

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For the past six months,  my town has been experiencing a very high crime rate. There have been roughly around twenty murders, all determined to be by the same person. Recently, there was a young girl by the name of Kirsten Hale who went missing last week. Her body was found late last night; no doubt she was killed by the same culprit. What makes it worse is that she was a friend of my younger sister, Hannah.

When my father told her the news, she was in denial at first. She didn't want to believe her friend was dead, but after a while, it finally sank in and she did nothing but cry. I did my best to try and comfort her and let her sleep in my room last night.

Both my father and I felt terrible for her, especially my dad. My dad is a police officer and has been trying to catch this guy or girl since the beginning. Unfortunately, they still have no lead, and it makes my dad frustrated every day. And now that my sister's friend was just killed, he can't help but blame himself for it all.

Neither of us wanted Hannah to have to ever experience having a loss. I already know what that feels like with my mother being dead and all. I was only five when it happened, but I can remember that night clear as day. Hannah was only just a few months old, so she has no memory of our mom. Dad blames himself for that, too. But I always have to remind him that it wasn't his fault. He was at work and working a different shift there was no way he could have known what would happen. And yet, he still carries that guilt. That's why he works extra hard to protect my sister and I and he's determined that this loose murderer is caught.

I look over to my left side and see Hannah sleeping. I can tell she had cried herself to sleep. Her face was red and stained with dried tears, yet she still looked peaceful as if there wasn't anything to worry about.

I shake my thoughts away and reach for my phone to look at the time. It read 5:00. I get out of bed, careful not to wake up my sister. Dad and I had both agreed that Hannah should skip school just for the day. He even took off work since no one else was going to be able to stay with Hannah and we definitely weren't going to leave her home by herself. I shower and change into a plain black tee shirt and jeans. I go downstairs and see my dad sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee.

"Morning," I said. He only nodded. I grabbed a cup and poured some orange juice and sat at the table across from him. I can tell dad didn't get much sleep last night. He had dark circles under his brown eyes. He had dark hair and a mustache with stains of grey to go with it. We both sat there in silence for a moment before he spoke up.

"Would you like for me to take you to school, Ash?"

"Nah, it's fine. I can walk. Besides, I don't think Hannah should be left here by herself, even if it's just for ten minutes," I said.

"Well, I don't want you walking by yourself to school. It's been getting more dangerous out here and the last thing I need is for you to get hurt."

"I know, dad. But, I'll be fine. I'll have my phone on me, so I'll call you if anything happens. Hannah's still sleeping in my room and she's gonna need you when she wakes up."

He thought for a minute and then sighed. "Alright," he said. "I'll let you walk to school. But for God's sake, be careful."

"I will." I gave him a little side hug, grabbed my bag, and left the house.

In all honesty, I wanted to stay home from school as well. I hated going there. I got bullied almost every single day just because I was gay. The only person outside of my family that I could ever trust was my best friend. My only friend, Cole.

I finally came across my school building. Deerwood High School.

I walked inside and over to my locker to grab some extra stuff for my first class of the day. Before I could even finish, my locker had closed on me and I was turned around forcefully, my back against the lockers.

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