Chapter 1.25 Accalia

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"Accalia wake up dearest, it's time to go to Diagon Alley." The half-blooded girl's father said knocking gently on her bedroom door. The eleven year old girl got dressed and combed her medium length Auburn brown hair. As she opened the door her father had awaited her. "I believe now is a good time to give this to you, it was your mother's." Her father said handing her a small white and gold box. The girl's mother had died three years prior and since then it had just been the two of them.

"Blimey!" Accalia had gasped looking at the sterling nickel necklace that holds a charm of a wolf with owl's wings. "I'm glad you like it. Come on now, it's time to go to Diagon Alley." Her father said shuffling downstairs. Accalia followed her father and they eventually ended up in front of a big red brick wall.

"Are you sure this is where I get my school supplies?" The girl with strangely golden eyes questioned her father, for she had never been to Diagon Alley before. She watched as her father touched his finger tips to certain bricks before he took a step back. Accalia flinched as the wall separated in the center to reveal an entrance. "What is the first thing on your school supplies list?" He asked his daughter and she read the first thing on the list. "A wand," "We are headed to Ollivander's." The father said to his daughter heading toward the wand shop.

"Hello old friend." The shopekeeper said to the father of the strange girl with golden eyes. "Who do we have here." The shopkeeper added looking at a startled Accalia. "My daughter, she is looking for a wand. It's her first year at Hogwarts." Her father responded. "Blimey, How do you do youngin'. I have the perfect wand for you." Ollivander said heading off to the back. He would return moments later with three different boxes. "Here you are, give it a wave." The shopkeeper said handing the girl the first wand. Accalia had done as we she instructed. At the second wand she knew she had found it. A wand with a Dogwood base, dragon heartstring core, twelve and a half inches and rigid flexibility for difficult spells.

"How much is it?" The girl's father asked. "Six sickles." Ollivander says and the father hands him with the sickles. "Thank you, come again."

The spree continued as they went from store to store, soon the pair of magical beings stopped. "Okay Acca, what companion would you like?" Her father asked and she thought about it. "I'm torn between a cat and an owl." She told him with an excited smile. "An owl would suit your character." Her father said and she nodded. They headed to Eeylops Owl Emporium to find the creature. As Accalia walked in to the store she spotted it and it had spotted her. "Hello my good man." The shopkeeper greeted her father. "Hello Audrin, I think my daughter has found her owl." The man who is her father chuckled.

"She is a beauty." Audrin said to Accalia. "W-what is her name?" The girl replied quite shyly. "Her name is Nashira." The shopkeeper said introducing the girl to the snowy owl. "How much is the owl?" Her father asked Audrin. "Normally 5 Galleon but I'll give her to ya for 2 instead." The shopkeeper said and the girl's father headed him the Galleons. "Take good care of her, she is special." Audrin said to Accalia handing her the things she needs to care for the owl as well as the owl itself. "Goodbye and good luck this year." The shopkeeper said to her.

The father and daughter continued to get supplies before they returned home. Night had passed and it was now morning. "Accalia," Her father had knocked on the door but as soon as he did the door opened. "Morning father." She greeted him already dressed and ready. "Someone is excited. Now remember Acca, Any house is a good house. What is the plan that we discussed?" Her father tested her. "You will walk me to the barrier and I will mount the train." She explained the plan to her father, he had told her why he couldn't go any farther than the border and she understood why. 'It is better to be viewed as a mudblood then to have the secret exposed.' She recalls her father telling her.

"Do you have your books? Your reading glasses?" He asked as she nodded. "Off we go then." Her father said and they made their way to the train station.

"I'm going to miss you." Accalia's father said and hugged her as she reached the entrance for 9 3/4. "I'm going to miss you too." She said to him and ran into the barrier with a final goodbye. To her amazement a train labeled the 'Hogwarts express' stationed before her. Accalia loaded her stuff and mounted the train. She looked for a room to station herself in and found one with a dark blonde boy. "H-hello, May I?" She asked politely and he nodded with a warm smile. "I'm Jake and you are?" The dark blonde boy asked Accalia. "My name is Accalia." She responded quite shyly, moving a small strand of hair from her face. "Lovely name you have." Jake complimented her as she sat across from him. "Thank you." She flushed and looked at her small hands.

"Hello, may we?" A boy with Light brown hair and blue eyes asked and the current magic users in the room nodded. "I'm August, this is Nero." They introduce themselves and sit with the pair. "I'm Jake and this is Accalia." The dark blonde boy introduced them both. The auburn haired girl smiled but quickly lost her attention to the scent of a rat. She moved her attention from the scent to none other than the boy who lived....

As the train started to head for the school of witchcraft and wizardry Accalia thought to herself. 'The boy who lived isn't the only one with secrets...'

And with that she started a discussion with her soon to be friends.


Chapter written by Flamingtail .-.

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