Tips #1

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How to act like a yandere?

You should act extremely jealous.But you shouldn't express your anger in public.As an example,if someone's talking to your senpai you just can join the talk or lure senpai to go with you.If you are too shy,you just can leave them or it'll hurt you by watching.

Also,you have to act cutely.You have to act adorable and innocent so people don't know you're actually a yandere.You also shouldn't socialize too much and talk about yourself.

Your favourite hobby should be stalking your senpai.But do your best so people don't know you are stalking him.You should learn a lot of information about him and be his number #1 fan.

You can express your feelings about him to people but not him.Let him know about it later.Don't confess to him yet!Let's wait until the time's right.

Just act like he's everything to you.Don't talk about things you like,for examples your idol,your favourite anime character,and others.Just talk about him,him,and him.So people will think you only like him alone.

Of course you shouldn't stay away from him or else he'll likes another girl.You should try to be his number #1 friend.If you can't,try to act nicely to him and he'll trust you.

You can't murder people like in anime,because you'll get arrested.At least you can do something to make your rivals afraid to befriend with senpai.Like,"Senpai is mine,you can't take him.We belong to each other.You get it?" in a scary tone..Trust me they'll afraid if you do it right.

Also,get ready to called as a "Freak" by your rivals.

One more!Discover what kind of girl is Senpai interested in and try to be one.

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