Chapter 3: The Game

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I was not going to be in the band tonight, it was the junior high's turn. For some reason, my school has this big idea to put the junior and senior high bands together and let each band take turns on when to play. Honestly, if you ask me, it is REALLY stupid. Right now, I was over at Julie's house and we were getting our stuff out for what to wear to the game.

"Julz, I really don't like this outfit!" I said. I was  wearing really tight black leggings, a Minnie Mouse sweatshirt and red high heels. Also, I had a red scarf and beanie.

"Aiko, you look really hot! Why do you not want to show off your figure? Everett will be drooling over you!" Julie squeaked. (picture)

"I just don't know.." I said as I spinned around and looked at my reflection in the mirror.

"Well?" Julie asked.

"I think I'll wear it." I said. Honestly, I thought that I looked really cute, I just wasn't sure wether Everett would think that I am desperate. Next, Julie did my makeup. I had red lipstick to match my outfit, ah-mazing eye liner and mascara and just enough blush to make my low cheekbones more noticeable. Julie is amazing at makeup! Finally, to finish the outfit, she straightened my hair, then tied some of it to make it a bow. I looked really cute after she was done with me.

"Oh my god, Julie! How did you do this to me! For once in my life, I look really hot! You are like the best friend/sister that I (n)ever had! Thank you sooooo much!" I said happily. I was jumping up and down because of all the happiness that I had inside of me. I ran over and hugged her.

"No biggie, Aiko! I just can't believe that you let me do this to you! I've always wanted to, but you say that you look too girly, and on and on about other stuff, but look at you now! You finally seem like the chick that I thought you were!" We kept rambling on about clothes and such, then we finally left for the game. 

~At the game~

I really enjoy watching football, it is one thing that I can understand. I was really "synced" into the game, when Julie started randomly poking me. 

"Aiko! Aiko! Aiko! Look at Joby! Isn't he just freaking man candy?" she asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Julie, you say that about anyone. You would kiss any guy that you could get your hands on!" I replied. Although, I got a closer look and he was REALLY smexy. Not as cute as Everett, though.

"Yeah, that's true." Julie admitted. 

"I still love ya Julz! Hey, have you heard from Gretchen lately? She hasn't been at school all week." I asked.

"No I haven't. The last that I heard of her was on Friday and she said that she was going to Damions' party with John." 

"Well, she's probably still sick from a hangover. She drinks like a trucker." 

"Yeah." At this point, the entire crowd erupted in screams. I looked at the field and the Titans (our school's team) scored a touchdown! With that, Julie and I started cheering along with the crowd. 

I watched as Shaun McBryde, the kicker, kicked a field goal. Once again, the crowd cheered. Julie and I clapped along with them. We stayed quiet pretty much the rest of the game; clapping and cheering along with the crowd. 

Whenever the game was over, I was waiting outside the field to meet up with Everett. Many of the football players already left, I saw them leave. Since I drove, Julie left with one of our other friends, Ainslee.

"Everett must take really long showers." I said to myself.

"Everett must do what?" I heard someone say. I looked up and saw Everett walking towards me. I really wasn't paying attention to looking for him because it took him forever to get a shower! I was currently playing Candy Crush Saga, level 255. I just cannot beat this level!!!

"Oh, hey Everett! You ready to learn?" I said. I swore that it sounded better in my head, it made me sound like I was talking to a first grader. 

"Um, Aiko? I really don't feel like studying tonight. Shaun is having a party at his house and I told him that I would go. I'm gonna go, so I promise that we will study some more tomorrow, even though it's the weekend and I literally sleep all day, but ya know," He smirked, Oh so deliciously, I might add "I can always find time for you." "He even said that I can bring a friend, so if you want to come you can." Maybe it was just me, but the way Everett said that made it seem like I didn't have a choice in going to the party or not. With Everett involved, I probably don't. "Plus Aidan is going to be there so you can catch a ride home with him! What do you say? Can we just study tomorrow??" he asked. 

"I don't know, Everett. You promised me that we would be studying tonight, and you are trying to blow me off. I really-"

"PLEASE??? I just gave you a bunch of good reasons that you should let me go! I even said that you could come along! Plus, I even said that I would study extra time with you studying tomorrow." He smirked, once again and wiggled his eyebrows. I really didn't want to go, I've never been to a party before, and from what I have heard from Gretchen I would not like them. But honestly, I didn't want to let him go either because if he did, he would have blew me off, again.

"Everett, really you're not going! You need to study with me! You're the one that was stupid enough to need a freaking tutor. Honestly, just put forth an effort for once! Jesus Christ!" I yelled.

"Aiko? Where did that temper come from? Is it your time of the month?" He smirked, once again, it looked really sexy.

I just groaned. "There is no possible way that you are going to let me tutor you today, is there?" I asked.

"Nope." He said popping the p.

"Fine then, just go. You better be at my house at 11:00 sharp. If you are not, I will go up to every single one of your teachers and tell them to fail you." I said.

"OK, OK. Are you sure that you don't want to par-tay and celebrate the Titan's victory?"

"Yes. See you tomorrow, Everett." I said as I started walking away.

"Oh, and Aiko? You look really hot today." He said sort-of quietly. I could practically feel him staring at me. I felt the heat rising up in my cheeks. Damn you clothes, damn you.

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