the sadness.

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You and your friend are at school and you two are the only people that ever really swing. All of a sudden your friend gets off the swing and walks off. You think you did something to piss her off but you can't tell you continue walking until you round the corner your friend went around and saw... Your friend talking to another person. You have jealousy issues. And that night you ran to the bus heart hurt and eye filled with water and you sit on your own that night. When you got home you go strait to your room and you hid some razors behind your pillow you think your friend doesn't care about you any more and you cut your wrist. And the next day your friend hangs out with the person that they talked to and now you can't take it you sit aloane on the bus again and when you get home you go strait to your room and then you find a belt and you hang your self. Your friend finds you the next day and she crys and yells I'm so sorry I do care about you I do I really do. But it's too late your already dead.

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