my life

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Hello my name is June I have a horrible lifetime have a dad that beats me and who the hell knows where my mom is I've never had much of I mean if you see at my school I'm nothing like anybody there the only reason why I really go is because its the only way I can get away from my dad ok so its 6 inthe morning I'm fixing to get in the shower hopefully my dad is still asleep from being drunk last night.Holy crap what am I gonna wear there is supposed to be this new student today but I'm really not the kind to be caught up in the drama really ok its 7:02 I have got to get to school I'm gonna be late oh shot my dad is coming in JUNE YOU BETTER GET YOUR ASS OUT OF MY DAMN HOUSE BEFORE I SHOOT YOU IN THE HEAD my horrible dad said.ok so I'm at my school my first class is algebra I really hate that class but I need to go. Oh hey Mary I said. Oh sorry there was the first look there he was the new student blonde hair blue eyes so tan you could never imagine and so skinny and tall. Hi my name is Jake I'm the new students .oh hi my name is June I could barely say this . Well nice to meet you but I have to get to biology class. Oh ok well nice to meet you Jake. Oh you to June catch you later ok. Ok bye. He was so gorgeous maybe I would see him around just then my friend Jane came to me and said have you seen the new exchange student.actually I have I just met Jake. Oh ok did you know he is a pro basketball Jane I didnt know that. U know what June I think I'm gonna ask him out. Damn Jane its his first day give a break its hard enough already without you bothering him.oh watever June your jealous that u don't get to ask him out. U know I really don't care that's when she just walked off. You know she is a slut anyway we have been friend since pre k now we can hardly stand each other . It crazy really .. ok now its lunch time ill just have a salad Betty she is our lunch lady she is reely sweet ... oh my god there is.oh Jake he's walking up to me.oh hey June do you want to come and sit with me. Of course Jake I'd love to okay well ill be sitting over there ok. Ok. Ill be there in a second. Ok. Omg I cannot believe he asked me to sit with him this is so great. Ok I'm sat down. So how was your classes Jake. Oh ok I guess.ok. so.lets talk about u June ok well my dad is an alcoholic and he beats me and who know where my mom is and I be a junior here. WOW BOMBSHELL omg I'm so sorry.were giong to my house right know my dad is a docter he will check you out ok. Well ok. Lets go . Ok so were on our wat to Dr Shay s office I reaaly didnt mean to just open up yo him like that I don't know it just felt right I couldn't help it ok so were at the house and Dr Shay comes running out and takes me inside and does this rape test in me and sure enought he found out that u had been raped I really didnt want anyone to find that out but yes the doctor. Ok June where is your dad in calling the police and telling them wat happened bit they need you testifies will u testify against him. Yes I will cause this can't go on much longer I know

ok so we just got my dad arrested and now Dr Shay want to adopt me you know Jake thinks its a great idea I mean I said ok that they did all this for me and they don't even know me like this but I guess they are Christian people you know so now I'm all moves in now so I don't know what I'm gonna do know at all well I guess god. Does work in mysterious way but I do know he had this planned out for me but I can tell you it is a much better life than wat I had you know if thank god for watchword got it'll turn into wat u wont ill write later bye love june

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2011 ⏰

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