Chapter One

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Alison clutched her stomach as another sharp pain rocketed through her body.

"Oh, that looked like a big one," Noel Kahn commented.

"No shit, Sherlock," Alison retorted through gritted teeth. She moaned loudly in pain. "God, why does this hurt so fucking much?"

"Well, women's bodies are designed-"

"Shut up, Spencer!" Alison and Noel both yelled, immediately silencing the young braniac.

"Shouldn't we do something?" Toby asked, resting his hands on Spencer's shoulders reassuringly.

"Toby, I'm pretty sure that I've been doing something for the last nine months."

"Oh, no, I know, I meant-"

"I know what you meant, Toby," Alison breathed out as another contraction hit. "Goddamn, this hurts like a bitch."

"Ali, is there anyone you'd like me to call?" Noel asked hesitantly.

Alison's eyes flashed immediately. "Noel, do not mention that again, do you understand me? I've done fine for the last year without any help and I'm not about to start begging now. Got it?"

Noel nodded quickly. Alison was, at best, a bitch 24/7. Now, on the cusp of delivering a baby, her anger had been pushed several levels higher. Luckily, Noel, Spencer and Toby had known Alison at her best and worst and were well prepared for the hormonal changes that pregnancy brought.

"Spenc, we should go and see what's taking that doctor so long," Noel said firmly to Spencer. She caught his meaning and nodded.

"Yes, Toby, honey, stay here with Alison and keep her company while we locate the doctor," Spencer agreed, quickly following Noel out of the room.

"Don't you dare do something that'll make me go all bitch on you! Nerd! Douchebag! Get your sneaky asses back in this room!"

"Is it safe to leave Toby in there with her?" Spencer asked worriedly.

"Please, Alison is all talk. As crazy as she is now, she's just like a PMS'd up Alison DiLaurentis from high school. Nothing we can't handle. Besides, she won't do anything to us. We're her family."

A flicker of sadness crossed Spencer's features and Noel mirrored the expression.

"Shouldn't we-"

"Spence, no," Noel hissed, folding his arms across his chest. "Ali really would kill us if we called her."

"But what about her parents?" Spencer pressed.

Noel shook his head. "You weren't with her when she spoke to them. They were brutal, completely unwavering in their decision to cut her off. Well, Ali's father was, anyway. I don't even think her mother got a word in edgeways."

"Maybe that's who we should approach, then?" Spencer persisted.

Noel sighed. She really didn't know how to quit. "Spenc, right now we have to focus on what's best for Ali. She's been through hell this year and we're all she has left. What kind of friends would we be if we went behind her back when she needed us most and tried to involve the people that caused the hurt in the first place?"

Spencer looked up thoughtfully and Noel rolled his eyes. If she seriously had to consider his logic, then fame had clearly boggled her brain more than he'd thought.


Alison chased Emily around their living room.

"Em, come on, give it back!" Alison whined, but she couldn't wipe the big grin off her face.

"Come and get it from me, slow poke," Emily teased, waving her phone tantalisingly in the air.

Alison smirked and began a predatory stalk towards her girlfriend. Ali loved silly little moments like this, moments that no one but Emily got to see. When she was with Emily, Alison became a softer, happier person. Now that they were living together, Emily's playful nature was rubbing off on Ali and they would often end up playing some silly childish game, but both of them loved it.

Alison was within a stretch of Emily, but paused, holding the brunette's gaze evenly. Emily just smiled slyly and arched an eyebrow. Ali's smile widened.

"So what happens when I go to class and you go to work and you still have my phone?" Alison asked.

Emily shrugged. "Why would you need your phone at work anyway?"

"Well, I wouldn't be able to sext you, for one," Alison said, her voice dropping seductively. "I wouldn't be able to tell you how gorgeous you looked this morning waking up all tangled in the sheets. I wouldn't be able to tell you how wet I get when I think about you."

Emily swallowed visibly, her grip on Alison's phone faltering slightly and the blonde smirked to herself. Emily had the moves, but she had the words.

"And I wouldn't be able to tell you what I plan on doing when I come home, seeing as how you're only going to be home later this evening." Alison sighed dramatically. "Two hours all by myself and so incredibly turned on." She dropped her hand and let it trail up her own side, raising the thin shirt she was wearing.

Emily squeaked at the appearance of the blonde's hard stomach covered by silky smooth skin. It was one of Emily's favourite parts of Ali's body. Often, she would just lie on her stomach, running her fingers along all the contours.

"But I guess if you have my phone, you won't be able to tell me what you're doing," Alison continued, pretending to be oblivious to Emily's aroused state. "So I guess I'll have to keep myself entertained."


"What was that, Em?" Alison asked sweetly in response to Emily's growl.

"You will wait for me," Emily said menacingly, stepping towards Alison. "You will not do anything to yourself. That's my job."

"But, Em, if you're not here-"

Alison's argument was cut off by Emily's lips crashing into hers. She gladly moulded their mouths together and let Emily show her who was in control. Tongues duelled and tangoed. Teeth grazed over lips and nipped at skin.

"Fuck," Alison gasped into Emily's neck, one hand gripping her waist and the other buried in her gorgeous brunette locks.

"What, now?" Emily teased in a low voice, her breath ghosting over Alison's cheek.

"I have to leave in half an hour," Alison said, glancing at the clock on the kitchen wall.

Emily grinned and gripped Alison's waist with both hands, encouraging her girlfriend to wrap her legs around her.

"Plenty of time to give you something to tide you over till later," she whispered, leaning in to kiss Alison as she carried her to the bedroom.

Alison smiled into the kiss. This was absolute heaven. This was perfection. Living in New York with her amazing girlfriend. Nothing could ruin this for her.

AN: Hey so this is the first chapter! I hope you liked it because things will get sad very fast...

- Ang

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