The Confession

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"I-I finally did it...after all this time...I finally killed you. I hate you so much. Man am I glad you're finally dead." I stand there with relief but all I thought after that was where to hide the body. So I decided to go deep into the woods where no one will find it. But boy was I wrong, one week later and the police are at my door. "Sir, we happened to come across a man that you happen to know. After some questions, people led me to you." Said the police woman. Of course I prepared some lies and excuses if this situation ever happened. All she did was ask these random questions that my answers could not quite match. I didn't know who she was and yet...she strikes fear into me. Those eyes of hers are like a gun, they're shooting me with fear I never felt so scared. I wanted to give up and confess but I know I couldn't. I managed to dodge some bullets that she kept firing at me. I even thought about making a run for it, but I was stiff...paralyzed...all I could do was sit there and talk. I even heard my own voice begin to stutter, it was almost like she isn't human. I wanted to kill her too....I just thought if I got rid of her it would lift a weight off my shoulders but I couldn't. I thought she was finished and about to leave but then she asked me this last question that really got to me..."Why did you kill my father?" And then I remembered why....he was just like her. I was scared of him, he looked so big compared to me everyone seemed to love him and yet I...I feared him. It felt like he was out to get me....and that's why. After I lifted my head my eyes met hers and I got up from my chair and collapsed on my hands and knees..."I confess, it was me who killed him." I've never actually confessed to anything but I knew I couldn't get out of this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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