Table Setting

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Amidst the usual rustle and bustle coming from the kitchen, a happy humming filled the air. This evening's main course was her absolute favorite - Sally couldn't wait for dinner time. The young ghost girl floated cheerfully from cabinet to cabinet, helping out here and there when asked. Like a puppy awaiting a treat, Sally couldn't help hovering over Slenderman's shoulder to watch as he added the final touches to the food. 

Before the words could even leave his mouth, the young goul had sprung into action, opening the china cabinet and pulling out the needed plates and silverware. Although she was moving quickly, the girl was sure to be careful as she put the saucers in their correct places. Her previous soft humming tune resumed itself as she helped to bring the main dishes to the table and continued even through the house-wide call to dinner. Sally, ever the polite girl, waited for her housemates excitedly, happily watching them one by one as they filled their seats. She had always felt it right to wait until everyone was settled before taking her own spot at the table. Lost in her happy patience, Sally failed to notice the confused looks she was receiving. 

"Sally...what are you waiting for...?" The forthright comment quickly dragged the girl's attention back to reality. Wasn't it obvious?

"I'm waiting for-". Sally's voice was cut short as she glanced at the large table and all its inhabitants. She was met with many pairs of eyes followed by two empty seats. 


A heavy feeling then dropped slowly in her stomach. That was right. Sally embarrassedly glanced down as she quickly moved to sit in her spot. A vision of blonde hair and red pupils entered her mind as she glanced at the empty seat to her left. He hadn't been back for weeks and most likely wouldn't be for a few more. It dawned on her that he had been present the last time they had this meal together as a household. She sighed, watching as her housemates all ate and chatted together. 

She suddenly didn't feel so hungry anymore.  

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