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Ezra's POV

''Get up.'' Agent kallus said I did and he smiles.
''Why are you here?'' I asked
''Why should I tell you now if you try anything I'll let them shoot. Set your blasters to stung.'' He said he came up to me and cuffed my hands behind my back then he took my blaster.
''Move.'' He said pushing me forward I started waked in front of him and troopers surrounded us.

Your POV

You land next to the fighter Ezra took you hopped out and looked around but Ezra was no were in sight you heard voices a ways off you clime a tree and started swinging from the branches. You saw Ezra with agent kallus and over a dozen storm troopers.
''Ezra what have you gotten your self into.'' You whispered they moved fast so you jumped threw the trees to keep up, they stopped to rest so you went to a branch just above them a pinecone fell off and hit Ezra in the head he looked up and saw you.
''What are you looking at?'' Agent kallus asked him he looked up as you sank deeper into the dark leafs.
''Nothing.'' Ezra said and they looked away Ezra stepped back and you jumped down as your turned on your light saber.
''Hi.'' You said agent kallus looks at you.
''The young Jedi.'' He said
''What can I say.'' You said as he took out his bo-rifle, he tried to get you but you jump back and using the light saber cut off the cuffs around Ezra's wrist's.
''Drop your weapon girl you our out numbered.'' Agent kallus said
''And has that ever stopped me before?'' You asked then using the force you knocked all of them down. You took Ezra's hand and ran off.
''The fighter is that way.'' He said
''If we lead them to the fighters then we loss our only chance of escape.'' You said the both of you soon found on old abandoned empiral station.
''What is this place?'' He asked
''Looks like an old base used in the clone wars.'' You said you could hear running behind you.
''Come on.'' You said Ezra helped you open and close the doors you ran deeper inside, Ezra stopped you.
''How did you find me?'' He asked
''I followed you because I was worried and its a good thing I did.'' You said
''I didn't want you to follow me I could of killed you earlier that's why I left.'' He said turning away.
''Accident's happen Ezra.'' You said placing you hand on his shoulder, he pushed it off and turned to you.
''No I've never done that before.'' He said
''But it will happen once in a while. When I first started my training I knocked my master into a wall because I was mad because, I was not with you, a huge piece of the cave wall came down and he moved it before it could crush him, I almost killed him Ezra.'' You said

Ezra's POV

''Really?'' I asked she nodded we heard running from they way we came I opened a door and pulled my sister inside.
''Great.'' She said
''And how are we going to get out of this one?'' I asked
''Vent.'' She said looking up, I went over to her I cupped my hands and she stepped on them I pushed her up and she unclipped it and climbed inside.
''Left me up.'' I said the running was getting closer she held out her arms I jumped up she grabbed my wrist and pulled me in I closed the hatch and we crawled threw the vent.
''Ezra keep up.'' She called I crawled faster then i saw her disappear threw a vent I was about to go down when she stopped me by gasping.
''Where's Ezra?'' Agent kallus asked
''He's not with me we separated.'' She said

Your POV

You looked at agent kallus aware that Ezra was looking at you from the vent.
''My troopers are looking for him as we speak. Now come quietly.'' He said
''And why would I do that?'' You asked
''Because your smart.'' He said you smiled
''I guess I'm not smart.'' You said taking out your light saber.
''I guess not.'' He said

Ezra's POV

I heard fighting and then someone falling down with a THUMP my sister appeared under the vent.
''Come on.'' She said and moved out of the way i jumped down and saw agent kallus knocked against a wall.
''Is he?''
''No his just sleeping,'' Y/N said I looked at her. ''I knocked him into the wall hard in of that he blacked out.'' She said
''Why not kill him?'' I asked
''Because Zeb wants to.'' She said and walked off I followed her into the hall.
''Yea.'' I agreed and we ran off. She pulled me against the wall.
''Great there are troopers at the exit.'' She said
''And how are we going to get past them?'' I asked
''Stay close to me and behind me.'' She said I nodded and we walked out she turned on her light saber and the troopers got into fighting stance they started shooting at us but Y/N blocked them and we walked closer. Then we were close in of she lock her arm around mine and she went to the side I used the force and knocked them all down then I opened the door and we ran off. When we got to the fighters we hopped in.
''Let's go home Ezra.'' Y/N said I looked at her as she moved her H/L H/C hair out of her face so she could put on the helmet, I put mine on and we took off.

Hera's POV

I walked outside and looked up I saw two of our fighters land I looked around then I saw two people walking to the ghost.
''There back! Ezra and Y/N are back!'' I yelled with joy.

Ezra X Female Reader| #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now