Draco and Ava.

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Ava's P.O.V.

The hoo's of an owl wake me.

"What on earth?"

I say sitting up and streching. I look up at my window, and there perched perfectly is a spear black owl.

"Holy shit!"

I exclaim. The owl cocks its head and stares at me, beady brown eyes watching my every move.

"Uh... Hello?"

I speak to it. What the Hell am I doing? I think to myself. Like I can talk to animals. The owl flies onto my bed and I scream. The owl doesn't flinch.

"Brave owl..."

I mutter to myself. The owl holds something in its talons. A letter? I slowly move my hand toward the letter. The owl doesn't move. I inch it a bit closer. The owl moves it's talons off the letter completely and stares at it for a moment. I pick up the letter and the owl follows my hand with it's eyes. I slowly turn the letter over.


It reads. I looks at the owl and slowly open the letter, making sure not to move my hands to quickly. I pull out a piece of paper, folded perfectly at the ends.

'You've been accepted into Hogwarts, school of wizardry.'

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