Vanessa is an under the influence teen with a strict father. However, that doesn't stop her from doing what she wants when she wants, but when she meets Justin, the mature one out of her group of friends, she begins to see that her world doesn't rev...
*Honestly if you listen to the studio version you'll be in your feels. I like the live version as well, so I used this one. I don't own the rights. Rights belong to their rightful owners. The lyrics embedded within this chapter do not belong to me either. Credit to:
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"I don't want to go back to being one half of the equation." Bieber hummed, chilling in the swing set. It was rather chilly as fall had finally made its way into the city. Vanessa and Justin grew closer, closer than they already were. Vanessa's side of the family was still in the shadows; Justin didn't know anything besides the fact that her dad wasn't down for anything, he was very protective. Her mother on the other hand was never mentioned or brought up after she stated she was dead. Justin wanted to know more, but he never pushed or asked; it wasn't his place to ask. If she felt comfortable bringing it up, she would. He knew that. Justin's family became Vanessa's second family, if not replacing the first one. Often the two would go roof topping, something that they essentially became pros at, although that shouldn't have happened. They would simply sit up there until the crack of dawn on school nights; watching the sun go down and show its beautiful face once again. Sometimes they would sit out behind Justin's house, or anywhere for that matter and paint different portraits or simply anything while listening to Justin's music; he even got Van to sing a few songs from time to time. He learned that she had a pure voice and often pushed her to do something with it, but she believe that was absolutely ridiculous. Art in general was already pushing it for her dad, adding a musical aspect to that would set him off. It simply wasn't smart. However, she found herself singing little tunes from time to time, whenever Justin was already singing that is. Their voices were harmonized and created angelic melodies.
People at school became fond of the two; those fond of Justin became fond of Vanessa and instantly welcomed her. Essentially, Justin didn't hang around those that were fond of him, he was a lone wolf for the most part, but from time to time he would catch up with those that showed an interest in him. His friend Khalil didn't go to the same school as him, and neither did Carter, another childhood friend of his, so Van never formally met up with his friends. Justin hoped she would soon though.
Vanessa and Justin hung out whenever they could, for whatever reason. Sometimes they stayed after school to do homework and that was it, or they would head out to eat and go catch a movie or go window shopping. Thanksgiving was less than a few days away, but the two already started looking for gifts. Other times, Vanessa would sneak Justin into her house, they would lounge around in her room, snapping photos of each other on her polaroid or simply showing affection before going downstairs, making something to eat and heading outside to lay in the grass and simply talk.
Vanessa and her father became distant. They would see each other from time to time around the house. Vanessa would give a small smile and he would return it. Sometimes, the distance bothered Mr. Raymond, he felt as if he wasn't there for his one and only daughter. He had something planned to change that for the holidays though. For the most part, the two were only close when it came to getting ready in the morning. Vanessa would grab a quick snack and a small iced coffee from the fridge and remind her dad not to forget something or vice versa.