0:The Originals (Mystic Wolves Chapter.)

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This chapter is similar to the the next chapter

As Alayla open her eyes she saw she was in an unfamiliar place. Looked like a tomb, she looks down to see a devil trap on the ground. Alayla felt the anger as she saw she wasn't in Mystic Falls perhaps somewhere else.

"Where in the bloody hell am I?!" Alayla yells. As there a couple witches working something on the table, they turns around and smile seeing her awake.

"Ah, she's awake." The witch said

"Get me out of here before I bloody gut you alive!" Alayla yells. The rest of the witches leave, leaving her alone with Alayla.

"Sorry we can't do that, I can't do that." She said "we need you to lure Klaus out, since you are carrying his child."

Alayla looks at her and begins to laugh "me? Carrying Klaus child? Sorry to tell you sweetheart but he's a vampire anything that is capable of producing is dead."

"Does seem like it."

Alayla scoffs "if I had a child then why can't I hear it? It's heartbeat?"

The witch then gasp in realization "oh yeah, sorry about that." She then chants something causing something to change in Alayla, in that moment she felt it, she concentrates on the heart beat not on the witch, not hers but the child inside her. She held her stomach.

"What have you done to me? Why am I here?" Alayla asked

"We had your werewolf side and demon side lock away for a time.." She said trying to find the right words "you are still immortal, but your not as strong, as fast, and as still demonic and you cannot shift for the time being which means no fangs or claws, or dark magic and if you do you'll suffer the worst migraine in history."

"I'll kill you for this.." Alayla threatens

The witch said "We are doing you a favor, we are trying to work together with your families to take back your home, our home.."

"And what home would that be?" Alayla snaps "because In my lifetime I had many homes."

"New Orleans." The witch responds with a smirk. "Welcome back home, your grace." She mocked before walking away.

As Alayla sat as she waited for something to happen.

"What time is it?" Alayla ask the witch

"It's night time." She simply answers "you must be hungry." She grabs a plate with a heart on it "eat." She place inside the Devils trap but Alayla immediately smacks it away in furry.

"Let me out!" Alayla order "and maybe perhaps I let you live."

"Not now, it's not the time. We need your brothers to come and the Mikaelson's."

Alayla scoffs "my family have bigger issues, so why don't you let me out and set me free and I will let you walk out of here alive, sweetheart."

"The name is Sophie and I will not do that. Because the second I let you out the second I lose my head."

Alayla smirks seeing how smart she was "Smart girl. Let see how long that would keep you alive."

Sophie then leaves her alone again. And Alayla felt nothing but boredom.

As Klaus made his way to the bar as he looks for Sophie. Jane's sister. He sees her cutting some vegetables. Klaus then sees a young man at the counter, he needed the place to be alone, he walks towards the bar and smirks at the young man.

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