Me : I took his offer and sat down next to him and breathed alil bit.
Justin : SoKhalil, hahatellmeaboutyourself
Me : Well I'm 19, I mean I was 18 yesterday but it was my birthday and yeah, I love you and Ariana Grande down to the bone. Y'all inspire me so much. I uh am out of school, Well that's it. Not much of an interesting life Haha.
Justin : Happylatebirthday ;)
Me : Thanks daddy. Can i ask you something ?When are you going to collab with Beyonce and Kanye??
Justin : I'm not planningtodothatbutfor you I'll do it Soon, now can Iask YOU something?
Justin and I got so lost in talking to each other that we forgot about the time and anyone who tried to call us. I think my mom yelled my name a couple of times. But I didn't pay mind. I mean couldn't she see I was busy???
As Justin was about to leave, Because of his career and all. I gave him the best hug ever. I might've been completely gay at that moment.
But I didn't care. We took so many photos and silly pictures. I was so thankful that I got to meet him and all the personal things we talked about. I really didn't want him to leave. He seemed like my best friend already.
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Heaskedformynumber , andIwasshocked! Imeanthis opportunity comes onceinalifetime , soIobliged.