Why is the sky blue.

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I think everyone at some point asked, "why is the sky blue?".
Just recently I  learned why it really was blue. I was extremely disappointed to learn that it wasn't because the little boy coloured it with his crayons.

When I was a child I was very odd. I used to sit outside and talk to myself all the time. Once and I while I would have conversations with the little boy and his crayons. I used to ask him why he coloured things the way he did and every time he would answer "because I felt like it". Well I told him I felt like the sky should be purple today. Together we would colour the sky purple, for no reason at all just because we felt like it. After the sky was done we would move on to the grass or the trees. It was probably my favourite thing about the day. Hours would go by and soon the purple sky would turn a light pink or red and slowly the sun started to disappear. Mother would call me in for dinner and I would sadly say goodbye to the little boy and his crayons.

If you haven't realized yet I had quite the imagination as a child. Yet it wasn't always happy.. Actually it was normally  very dark. As night grew more near my mind saw things I can't erase.  I was always being watched by the things the little boy would draw. See the little wasn't a very nice boy as he got older.. He was a very mean man. Always giving me night mares. Oh the nightmares, there for horrible. I can't describe how sickening they were for a 4 year old to have. Sexual assault,murder, lots of other disturbing things for any child to dream about. I wouldn't let myself go to bed it got so bad. I still to this day don't understand why this happened to me as a child.

See the question "why is the sky blue?" Means a lot more to me. Despite the nightmares, I really love the little boy and his crayons. I think the world was a blank canvas and this little boy with only a crayon drew this all. Pretty interesting if you ask me? I would ask him why he drew curtain things, each one had a unique purpose.

Why does the sky rain?
Because he said, clouds are like people.

I know this chapter is horribly written. I'm not sure how to write these exactly, I promise it will get better. I'm just trying to share all my thoughts. None of this is fiction all is real life experiences from my child hood. Like I said I have quite the imagination. Stay fabulous ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2016 ⏰

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