Child!Blue x Child!Reader: Thank you!

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You loved being outside, whether it was as sunny as a Ponyta using Sunny Day, or as harsh as a Dewgong using Hail, you adored it.

Although, sometimes your mother had to drag you inside if it was really bad out there. You usually whined for about 10 minutes, but then found something else to do

Today was one of those times. It was pouring heavy, icy sheets of rain and the wind was faster than ever.

Cooped inside, you were bored. You had an older brother, although he was off on an adventure of his own. You stood up from the carpet you were lying on and set off to find your mom.

Once found, you tugged on the hem of her shirt.

"Mommy, can I go over to Blue's house? Pleaaaase?"
She turned to look down at you and smiled.

"Is my little (y/n) bored already? Ok, I'll take you to your friends house."

You smiled widely. If anyone could help you smile, it was Blue. There was something about him that made you smile every time you saw him.

After reaching his house, your mom and Blue's stayed downstairs and chatted about the latest gossip. You, however, ran upstairs, completely bypassed his older sister Daisy, who you usually said hi to, and ran into Blue's room and tackled him into a hug

"Oww! Why did you have to do that (y/n)?!"
"I was bored so I came to see you!! And I had to do that because I can!" You giggled
"Well, then.....SURPRISE ATTACK!!"

"Wha-!!" You were cut off by a barrage of tickles by the brown haired individual.

"Sto-stop it!!" You giggled as he tickled your feet
"No, I will tickle you, because I can!!" He stuck his tongue out at you. And then...


During your tickle fit, you accidentally kicked Blue in the face.

"Blue! I'm so sorry!" You crawled over to him and wraped yourself around him in a gigantic hug.

Though, there were no muffled sobs. Instead, he was grinning as wide as a Snorlax

"Haha, thanks (y/n)!! You knocked my tooth out!!" He spat the tooth out and picked it up for you to see.

"Eewww, Blue!! Get that away from me!" You cried as he chased you around the room with his tooth
"No. I want you to see this!"

"Fine, just keep it away from me..."
He stopped chasing after you and held out his hand. In the palm was a small bloody tooth.

While endulged in tooth watching, he quickly pecked you on the cheek.

"You have no idea how long I wanted that to come out!! Thank you so much!"

And with that, you ran out of the room as red as a Charmeleon.
Blue could faintly hear the words 'Mommy, can we leave now?' before putting the tooth under his pillow.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the pilot chapter of Pokemon X Reader, like the cover? Haha I hope you do. Anyway really hope you enjoyed it


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