Tag 1

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Most Recent:

drink: water

phone call: my dad I think

text: my boyfriend

song: Thank Gosh It's Monday from the Spongebob Movie 2 (don't ask)

time I cried: last day of my school's production of Meet Me in St. Louis

Have You Ever:

dated someone twice: no

been cheated on: no

kissed someone and regretted it: no

lost someone special: yes

been depressed: ehh

been drunk and thrown up: no

List 3 Favorite Colors:

black, blue, and green

In The Last Year, Have You:

made a new friend: yes

fallen out of love: have to be in love first

laughed until you cried: all the time friendo

met someone who changed you: yeah

found out who your true friends are: I guess so

found out someone was talking about you: not in a negative way


how many people from your fb do you know irl: most of them

do you have any pets: 2 dogs

do you want to change your name: no

what time did you wake up today: 8:00 am

what were you doing at midnight: going to bed

name something you can't wait for: getting a job and making it raiinnnnn

last time you saw your mother: today

what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: less shy and awkward

have you ever talked to a person named tom: idk probably

what's getting on your nerves rn: having a lot of free time but also none

blood type: I have no idea

relationship status: single what were you expecting me to say taken

Zodiac sign: Leo

pronouns: she/her

favorite tv show: I fucking love seasons 1-10 of The Simpsons

long or short hair: short right now

height: 5'6′'

do you have a crush on someone: I think so?

right or left-handed: right

first surgery: Does getting my molar teeth removed count?

first best friend: Robbie from kindergarten whaddup boiiiii

first sport you joined: T-ball when I was a young sprout

first vacation: Myrtle Beach when I was like 7 months old

Right Now:

eating: nothing

drinking: water

i'm about to: draw

listening to: nothing


kids: I don't think so

get married: Yeah eventually

career: Hopefully animation, but if that doesn't work than writer or robotics dude.

Which Is Better:

lips or eyes: Eyes

hugs or kisses: either one tbh

taller or shorter: idc

older or younger: idc but not too much younger lol

romantic or spontaneous: both

sensitive or loud: both

hookup or relationship: relationship

troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker to an extant

Have You Ever:

kissed a stranger: no

glasses/contacts: glasses once when I was 3 and never again lol

had sex on the first date: no

broken someone's heart: I hope not

turned someone down: no but there are people I suspect might like me that I don't share the same feelings towards if that counts

cried when someone died: yes

fallen for a friend: probably

I tag: JustPunchMe ForTheCreed -Sicarius-

You don't have to do this if you don't want to but do it if you want idk lol

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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