It sure is dark outside
(L) It is because this is an interrogation site where we plan to talk to 99 different suspects who could possibly be Kira.
Earlier I thought you said you were investigated 100 suspects?
Well Light you are a suspect I still believe 7% that you can be Kira
But I thought we were partners I thought you trust me.
Well I will trust you if we solve this case now you will be the first I investigate so take a seat and we can begin.
(Light in his head)
That damned L I thought he was done investigating me I thought he could trust me but I'll have to lead him off my tracks some more just keep calm and dodge or answer how anyone would.
(2 Hours later)
Well you answered normally but I don't think I can trust you 100% yet.
Well I can live with that for now, so what do I do now.
You go home we'll call you if we find anything suspicious in your answers.
....... Okay but why are all these people here?
They are here for investigation I told you there were gonna be a lot of people here.
You really suspect these guys they couldn't possibly be Kira they look like a bunch of thick headed numbskulls if I say so myself.
Well even if you don't suspect them I have plenty reason to suspect them, well shouldn't you be getting home to study?
Oh yeah I better get home for dinner my mom and my sister would worry about me.
Meanwhile during the investigation.
Give me one good reason not to suspect you.
Because Kira killed my father he was doing time in prison I was going to go visit him then I get a call saying my father was killed most likely by Kira, so I promised him I'm gonna kill Kira no matter what.
I might be able to help you with that promise.To Be Continued......