Chapter 1

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Alison's pov

Ap English the one class I actually enjoy, nerd right? No, the one and only reason this class is enjoyable and tolerable is because the brown eyed beauty I get to sit behind. Emily fields. When I first realised I was in love with her I was 11, I had no idea what was going on, I barely even knew who I was but yet I was having feelings for a girl, I didn't think anything off it until I watched this one film, I can't remember the title now it was at least 5 years ago but all I remember is that this girl, she was more then friends with another girl and she'd get bullied and beat up because of it. It's then I realised I couldn't tell anyone I was into Emily either. Last year I noticed girls were with girls and guys were with guys and there was no problem with it so I finally came out to my best friend Hanna, she took it extremely well, thank god! Then everyone else found out and well I'm still alive so I'm fine with how it turned out of course I still get the odd "what's up lezbo" but that's what I am, I think of it as going up to a girl and saying 'what's up girl" it's just a stupid label.

"Alison pay attention" my head lifted from my desk to meet my teacher eyes, mr Johnson wasn't exactly the easiest guy to get along with but he's a great teacher although he dishes out more detention then there is days in the year.
I pick my pen up scribbling notes down into my notepad that are written across the chalkboard at the front of the class room.
'Pst' my head snaps up at the familiar sound, it's Emily
"You got a pen" she asks me this question almost everyday, she's never actually turned around to look at me, maybe once but that was barely 2 seconds. Without thinking I place my pen in her hand that she had extended behind her. I lean down and fiddle in my bag in search for  another pen but just my luck the only one in there is a princess one with a feather on the end, my youngest cousin must have put it in there last night when I was babysitting them. No other choice but to use this stupid pen I start scribbling down the notes  again, occasionally looking up to stare at the back of Emilys head, weird I know.

After the bell rang I quickly gathered my belongings and hurried out of the classroom so I could steal a quick glimpse of Emily before meeting up with Hanna and spencer  for lunch. I stood a few feet away from the door as Emily left the room heading straight for her friends, I turned and and bumped into my friend,  obviously she'd left class early again because there's no way she coulda gotten from the other side of the school to here in 0.8 seconds.
"You need to improve on your lurking skills my friend" I nudge her out the way, trying to hid the blush that'd crept it's way on to my face and now lighting up my cheeks with a bright red colour. I hate that almost every time I secretly watch Emily hanna always seems to catch me.
"You'll never guess who I've got a date with this weekend" Hanna skips beside me as if she was a 5 year old child on their way to pick out a new toy
" I don't know Han, who's the new pray this week" I chuckle lightly at my best friend
"Caleb" she sings happily and I come to a stop and stare at her
"Caleb as in Emilys best friend?" I asked completely shocked.
"Yes that Caleb! And you know if we start dating you might get your dream girl" she elbows me and sends me a wink but I just dismiss it, there's no way Emily would go for a girl like me especially when she has plenty of girls hanging of her left, right and centre, did I mention she's also intersex? So I guess that automatically makes every girl attracted to her? Because it sure does seem like it.
"Ali why you frowning?" I look up to see Hanna and spencer staring at me
"Just thinking that's all" I sign
"Don't frown someone could be falling in love with your smile" I chuckle at Spencer's cheesy line. So far she has never failed to put a smile on my face.

Emilys pov

"Dude you'll never guess who I scoured a date with this week" I looked at my best friend Caleb and smiled
"Not another mom" we both burst into a fit of laughter clearly remembering that time Caleb accidentally hooked up with one of the cheerleaders moms "no, thank good. Hanna Marin? That cute blonde from maths?" I thought for a second scanning the people I know in that class in my head
" she's always with that other blonde, Alison I think her name is?" Again I thought for a second but nothing
" I don't know who you're going on about" I chuckled and went to my locker  grabbing my books for whatever my next class is, I rake my hands through my hair while pulling different books out trying to refresh my memory
"History, you have history" i look to my side and sigh
" cheers ar, I don't know what I would do without you" I smile at my little friend, her and Caleb are the only people I really have left, things became really hard for the last 3 years  and since then me and Caleb have been living together with his family, occasionally aria as well but that's only when she'd been kicked out of her house, we moved into a small apartment around 4 months ago after we both got our trust funds, so far it's been great although he's a bit sloppy with the house work but it's bearable.

"Where are you taking this girl anyways" I ask as all three of us walk towards the car park, I get my books before lunch starts so I don't have to worry about finding them right before class starts. We settle into arias car as she drives out of the school gates
"I'm thinking dinner then something after that but I'm kinda nervous, it's kinda a big deal, I really like this girl" I widen my eyes and turn to look at him in the back seat of course I get the front one
"If you really like her how comes you haven't told me about her sooner" I raise one eyebrow. He shyly smiles and shrugs
"I didn't want to admit I was going soft" aria and I look at each other and burst into a for of laughter
"And that's exactly why" I faintly hear Caleb mumble. Him going soft? Yeah like that's ever going to happen.


new story?
Let me know if you want me to continue this? I have so many ideas for it😂
I think majority of this is going to happy, exciting..... Lel.

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