Broken soul

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After Frisk slashed Sans he walks off slowly turning into dust and his soul starts to shatter slowly he could feel the pain while Frisk was walking off "Looks like the kid finally beat me to the bone heh..."
As Sans walked further away shattering bit by bit he stopped walking and held his soul into his hand.

"No, I will not die to a punk like you."

Frisk turned around, "Oh yea? What're you gonna do it smiley trash bag?" "Heh you will see." Sans held up his soul calling all of the souls, "Patience, Integrity, Perseverance, Bravery, Justice and Kindness come forth and help a fellow soul out." All of the souls sped towards circling Sans's soul "Now I'm gonna show you what real determination looks like."

The room flashed with a white light almost blinding Frisk.
"This is real determination." Sans appeared with two multicoloured eyes changing into the colours of the souls, "Let's end this now you... DIRTY BROTHER KILLER!"

Frisk leaped towards Sans trying to slash him but Frisk missed. Sans teleported away down to the end of the hallway, Frisk started to sprint towards him. "Patience..." Sans' eyes turned light blue and sent out blue then white bones to try and fool Frisk into hitting them, but it didn't work.

"Crap." Sans said quite nervously, "Better try something else, Integrity." Sans' eyes turned dark blue. "Try and dodge this." Sans turned Frisk's soul blue and sent out a gaster blaster, he aimed it towards Frisk, "Ready... aim... FIRE!" The gaster blaster shot out a beam switching between light blue and orange to try to break Frisk's soul, it didn't work so well.

"Perseverance." Sans' eyes turned purple and Frisk stopped in their tacks "Ah shit." Frisk couldn't move forward even if they tried they would take damage "Take this kid." Sans sent out bones closing in on Frisk to try and crush them. While Frisk was distracted dodging bones Sans sent out a unexpected gaster blaster

"Just give up kid, you'll never survive."

"Oh yes I will." Frisk slashed the stings that was holding them in place then slashed the gaster blaster in half with one strike. "Time to take this kid face to face, Bravery." Sans' eye glowed orange he teleported right in front of Frisk and hit them hard in the face knocking them far back "I didn't realize how powerful that would be." Frisk sprant towards Sans trying to slash him,

"Stay still Sans."

"To be honest I'd rather not get slashed again."

"I'll make sure it will hurt five times as much this time." Frisk said angrily missing Sans every time they got near him. Sans kept punching and dodging Frisk's attacks so he wouldn't end up like the rest of the monster kind. Sans started to feel tired and out of breath, "I'd better stop punching this kid or I'll be the death of me." He thought to himself, "What's wrong Sans? Getting tired you pathetic loser." "Not yet kid, the matter of fact I feel like something else is gonna happen to you, Justice."

Sans teleported far away from Frisk and summoned a gaster blaster gun "Time to blast this kid outta this timeline." He pulled the trigger and the gun shot a beam directly at Frisk, but it missed he kept shooting at Frisk and teleported away whenever Frisk got close to him.

"Crap... this kid is harder than I thought time to try one last thing before I unleash my real special attack, Kindness." Sans summoned a cage of blue bones around Frisk so if they moved they would get hurt, "Looks like you're trapped now kid, see if you can dodge these." Sans summoned a gaster blaster behind Frisk to try and kill them but Frisk noticed and used their determination to summon a shield and blocked the beam, "Gggrrr, try and dodge these with only one shield." Sans summoned gaster blasters left right and center "Your dead now kid." The gaster blasters shot at Frisk, smoke filled the room a couple of seconds later, the smoke cleared up and Frisk was no where to be seen.

"Where are they?"

"Right behind you smiley trash bag."

"What?" Sans jumped away from Frisk before they could slash him, "That's it you've pissed me off for the last time, time to release my true special attack." Sans teleported to the ceiling and summoned a bone that went straight through Frisk's body, "I-I'm not giving up soon to be dust." "I'm sure you will, here comes my true special attack." Sans' eyes turned rainbow coloured and summoned a huge gaster blaster "Say good night kid." The gaster blaster disintegrated Frisk and their soul broke in half.

Sans walked up to Frisk's dead body and said, "If you were smart you would reset."


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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2017 ⏰

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