Hate and Abandonment

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(The day she was abandoned)

"I hate you, you dumb bitch!" My mother yelled at me as I cried.

"Your nothing but a dumb 12 year old skank!" My dad screamed.


My dad slapped me which made me fall to the ground as my mom kicked me.

"You want to die? Fine!" My mom said as she pick me up and threw me in the back of the car. "Bitch." I mummbled. If I do die, it'll be the nicest thing they've ever done.

Then I felt excruciating pain in my head and then I blacked out.

I woke up maybe two hours later. "Ugh, my heads killing me." I said. Then I realized. "Why am I in the middle of the fucking forest!" I yelled to myself.

"Your parents put you here." My wolf Jasmine said.

I cried and cried at the thought of how I was lost and alone. No parents, no one to love me, no one to call me theirs. No one to hear me scream.....

"No! You are Ally Michelle Summerson! A very strong, beautiful, amazing werewolf, who can live a life without your dumb parents!" Jasmine yelled at me.

"Yeah! My name is Ally Michelle Summerson! And I never give up! I said back.

I heard a snap of a twig and I turned around swiftly and growled a warning.

"Show yourself wolf!" I growled at the sound. I could tell it was a wolf by it's sent.

"I mean you no harm miss!" The voice said scared.

"Then show youself!" I growled.

I saw a kinda tall kid who looked about my age walk out from behind a bush. He was skinny and had chestnut brown hair with dark green eyes. He was pretty cute if I do say so myself.

"Hello there. My name is Evan, what's your name?" He asked me unusually calmly.

"My name is Ally Michelle Summerson! Nice to meet you Evan." I said cheerfully.

"What brings you out here Ally? Are you running? Hunting? Lost?" He asked me.

"I was abandoned by my parents because they didn't like something about me." I said sadly.

"You seem great! What did they bot like?" He asked curiously.

"This." I said as I shifted into my green and black wolf. I loved my wolf even though my parents didn't. I thought my green fur was beautiful!

"I don't know what's wrong with you Ally? Your so beautiful!" He said.

If I was in human form, I knew I would be blushing up a storm right now.

"Would you kike to see my wolf Ally?" He asked.

I nodded my green and black head quickly.

He shifted into a...... Black and blue wolf?

"What do you think?" He mind linked me.

"Your wolf is amazing Evan! I knew there was something special about you." I said.

"Do you want to meet my pack Ally?" Evan said excitedly.

"Are you kidding? Of course I do!" I said just as excited.

We walked about a couple miles until we met a female fox feeding her kits.

"Hello Mrs. Fox!" I said cheerfully.

"Hello Ms. Wolf! And how are you little Evan pup!" She said to us.

"Evan? You know this fox?" I mind linked him.

"Yes I do! She raised my mom after her parents were killed by the humans." He said. "So she's pretty much my grandma. I call her Foxy Grama!" He said. I giggled at the foxes nickname.

"Foxy Grama? Really Evan?" Jasmine said.

"I agree Jasmine, thats a weird nickname." I told her.

"Me and Ally are on our way to introduce her to the pack and maybe Alpha Mitch will let her join!" He said to Foxy Grama.

"Maybe youngin. Maybe." She said.

Me and Evan said goodbye and continued on our journey to the pack. We came across a flat land with a humongous house in the middle. It had to have at least 100 doors and windows.

"This is the pack house!" Evan said.

"No. Fricking. Way." I said slowly.

"It's a little big don't you think Evan?" I asked.

"Not for us. Alpha Mitch has at least 92 members in his pack, including him and our Luna." He said.

"Wow." Jasmine said

"I know right?" I said to her.

We walked inside and was greeted by a tall man with black hair, blue eyes, jeans, and a red t-shirt. Then a women walked in with blonde hair, green eyes, blud jean shorts, and a navy blue tank-top. They must be the Alpha and the Luna.

"Hello Alpha Mitch and Luna Maya!" Evan said. "This is Ally! She was abandoned by her parents just like momma was!" He said way to cheerfully.

"She wants to join our pack!" Evan added.

"Well, you know what must happen in order for her to do that? Right Evan?" Alpha Mitch said.

"Yes sir." Evan said sadly.

"What do we half to do?" Jasmine asked me.

"Umm, exuse me Alpha?" I asked Alpha Mitch carefully.

"Yes little pup?" He answered.

"What must I do to prove myself worthy of becoming a member of your lovely pack?" I asked.

"Well, you must battle against the person who finds and brings you to me." He said.

I looked at Evan and he looked at me nervously. "Then so I shall fight Evan in a battle to win the honor of becoming a member!" I said proudly.

I looked at Evan again and he looked scared and very very nervous. "I'll go rasy on you Evan. Don't worry." I mind linked him.

He smiled and walked outside. He came back in as a wolf and growled playfully at me. "Wanna play like that do you?"

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