Bad Day

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A/N: Just something that wouldn't leave me alone. It's short and simple but I hope you like it so let me know. Thanks!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything you recognize. Enjoy!


Yamaguchi stood in front of his locker, his head resting against it as he tried to control his breathing. With his eyes closed he mentally counted to ten, hoping that would be enough to stop the tears that had been threatening to spill all day.

'The day is almost over. Just hold it in until you get home...please.'

Taking a deep, shaky breath he opened his eyes then stood up straight once more and opened his locker. He was fine, nothing was wrong.

At least that's what he kept telling himself. The truth was he wasn't ok, his emotions were all over the place and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't control them.

Everyone close to him knew Yamaguchi suffered from anxiety, they'd have to be blind, deaf, and naive not to see it. There was something they couldn't see however and that was his depression.

It didn't happen often but every now and then he'd have what he called a bad day. A day where a heavy and familiar pressure settled on his chest making it hard to breathe.

A day when he felt down, lazy, and weak. It was a day where nothing mattered, not even himself. He didn't care if nothing happened or if everything did; it just didn't matter.

If his classmates had noticed he was being quieter than usual then they'd probably summed it up to Tsukishima's absence. His best friend had been out for two days after a complication at the dentist during the weekend which meant Yamaguchi was flying solo until he returned.

Tsukishima could always tell if Yamaguchi was having a bad day since he'd witnessed quite a few throughout the years but he wasn't here to let him know everything would be ok this time. His best friend was the one who usually listened, didn't say much but just listening to Yamaguchi made it better. The teen knew he could talk to any of his other teammates but he was embarrassed.

What was he supposed to say, I'm feeling sad please tell me it'll get better or something like that?

The team already offered comfort for his anxiety, he didn't want to add another burden especially one which made him feel like a little kid.

Yamaguchi put his hands on both sides of the locker then stuck his head inside wondering if anybody would hear him scream.

"Yamaguchi, you're still here?"

The teen quickly lifted his head at the voice accidentally smacking it against the lockers and letting out a yelp.

"Ah, Yamaguchi, are you ok?"

That was a loaded answer he did not want to give his senpai. No, he wasn't ok. He felt empty, sad, alone, and now his head hurt.

He turned to Sugawara with a grimace as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Oh, uh, yes. I'm ok. Sorry, I forgot my jacket and had to come back for it." He answered with a sheepish smile hoping he looked perfectly normal.

His senpai looked at him and for a second Yamaguchi thought Sugawara had heard his depressing thoughts but then the upperclassman returned a small smile.

"I'm glad you remembered; this weather will make you sick if you're not careful."

"H-hai, thank you Sugawara-senpai." He closed his locker and put his jacket on. "I'll see you tomorrow."

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