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The past is a very dangores thing my brother was a man with a terrible past and this is his storie.

35 years erlyer "Danny get over here you have to see this''.I yelled .Wait I hav'nt even introuduce my self my names Drake and im a very strong man im also about 6 foot and my skins a dark brown from the work I do thats about every thing you need to now about me so back to the storie. Danny slid back into his bed I didnt ask where he was or what he was or what he was doing out so late.Two days later me and my brother were trying to catch a stray dog to keep and then a man ran past us with amazing speed and in just a seconed or so later then danny crumbled to the ground he was just laying there then when I got my sences back he was standing again but it didnt last long before another two men came out of nowhere they werent like the other they were much slower but I remeber how strong how where I tryed to help my brother but I couldnt.

I awoke on the pavment and tried to get up but a man pushed me back to the ground and said.

"Stay down he's still here if you get uphe will kill you too and we can'nt have that happening now can we it would be a very sad thing considering what you know-"

"no, no i dont know anything''

"Ohh but you do your the only one he spoke to about anything that was important''

"no he did'nt he did'nt tell me anything important about anything''

"ha you take me as a fool do'nt you but im no- be quit and stay still the DEVIL has arrived''

He turned and was gone in a flash and I relised that he was the thing that had made my brother fall he was the man who helped in my brothers death I jumped up and started to run but the fast man stoped me by grabing my waist and throwing me to the ground and all I could think about was what did my brother do to be killed by these monsters and at that momment a thing whith a tail stood before me its body being wrapped in a cloak of flames then there was a brilliant light and a man whith a fire sword and wings of flames cameout of the sky yelling great words that I coulnt understand whith in a few seconds the monsters where fleeing but only one sood his ground it was the flaming beast standing beside me he let out a great bellow like a bull and charged at the winged man I thout the beast had no chance against the man but it only took me a few seconds to see I was wrong about the beast power for he was wining the fight against the man I stood and started to run and suddenly another one of the winged men came out and grabbed me by the shoulder and took off flying .

I awoke in a old celler whith a women standing above me she was washing my wounds out when I awoke after a few seconds she spoke.

"You should have died but then again you arent normal now are you".

" What do you mean ".I coughed

She just looked at me and then she left the room and I blacked out.

THE PAST CAN KILLWhere stories live. Discover now