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There was a girl who had silky brown hair that was curly,big brown eyes,with a blue dress,and beautiful glowing skin. Her name was Anabella.Her mother, who was a school teacher who drove a silver BMW, name was Stella. Although her mother was crazy, she loved her. Sometimes Anabella never gets to hang out with her friends because her mother scared them all away.This makes Anabella feel sad because she feels unwanted. But one day she feels so unwanted that she ran away. She had no where else to go but her friend Stacey's house. Stacey was a girl with long blonde hair, big blue eyes. Once Anabella makes it to Stacey's house she decides to stay for awhile and does not tell anyone. But a couple days later Stacey had a seizure and Anabella did not know what to do. Anabella got very scared as her friend continued to suffer. Anabella feared that if she were to call for her friends parents, they would tell her mother or force her to go home. She decided to do the right thing and told her friend's parents. Just as she predicted, her friends parents called her mother, who made her go home and punished her. She did not mind being punished because her friend's health was more important to her. Anabella's mother told her that her friend was healthy, but needed to stay in the hospital. About a month later Anabella gets a call from Stacey's parents. They told her the worse has happened to Stacey. Stacey had been moved to the ICU. Stacey was in critical condition, so the doctor's put her in a coma. Anabella was so upset, she ran away again. This time she goes to the woods.But throughout all of those things that were happening she was bullied because her mom was her teacher. No one liked her because of her mom only Stacy did so she was very sad. Anabella got scared at nights and wanted to snuggle with her bear that she got for Christmas. It was the only thing she got. Throughput out all the things that happened to Stacy she felt bad for Anabella. Anabella on the other hand felt bad for her friend. Everybody at Anabella's school said she was ugly,she was adopted,and her mother doesn't love her. When Anabella was younger her father left her family,three days later her father had died of a car accident. But she didn't care because he left her and wanted nothing to do with her so she didn't care and wanted nothing to do with him. Everyone laughed at her at school because she had no dad and her mom was her teacher but her mom did nothing about it. Stacy was the only one who cared and actually felt bad for her that's why she loves Stacy so much and why there best friends. But Stacy might die she's in the ICU she's in a coma Anabella has no one to love her or care about her anymore. But then,there it was a new friendship about to start.There was a girl with red hair with big brown eyes her name was Britney. She went there the same day as Anabella but a little bit earlier. After they saw each other they couldn't look away they just knew they were going to be the best of friends.They walked over to each other and at the same time both said their names as excitement came out when their new friendship began to began. Then,they started talking and could not stop smiling as a new boy came walking up,Anabella had no idea who he was.She had no idea who he was or what he was doing there she thought that her and Britney were the only people there.

Now where do i run???
That boy had blonde hair who's name was Jaiden.He was so dreamy and so handsome."Who is that handsome boy over there he's such a hunk" said Anabella. "Actually that hunk is my brother ,I cant't believe I thought we can actually be friends I don't even know you,lets go bro we're out".As Anabella began stuttering she really just wanted to make a friend and on the contrary a boyfriend.But as she sat there she thought about Stacy and the ICU,her new "best friend",and her new future boyfriend.But as the the time goes past she asks herself and wonders,"does this stuff only happens to me."But she knew what she had to do and she didn't want to and she knew Britney was going to get hurt but she had to do this in order to be happy.But as she figured out the plan she told her self no.But why?Did she feel guilty?Did she really like Britney?Even if she did she liked Jaiden too.But who would she pick?Could she have both?But she knew she couldn't she knew if something went wrong with her and Jaiden something can go wrong with her and Britney's friendship,if something happened with her and Britney's friendship something could happen with her and Jaiden's relationship.She chose to give it a try no matter what the risk were.She woke up in the morning then she sat down on a filthy rock with mud on it,which was surprisingly the cleanest rock there but that's not the point the point is that she talked to Jaiden and Britney.The problem was that Jaiden had a girlfriend and they've been dating over 5 years.Anabella runs off crying,Britney follows and let's Anabella lay on her lap to sob.She then got over and accepted it.But when she got back Britney was asleep while her and Jaiden were still up Jaiden went out to get some sticks and never came back,so Anabella began to search for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2016 ⏰

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