Chapter 12: Making Up (Filler Chapter Again...sorry)

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I stretched my arms out and entered the couple's room. The last time I was in here, it was kind of messy to be honest. They did a good job cleaning. Edelina must have noticed me looking around because she just giggled.

"Yeah, your hubby beat us into cleaning this room. He threatened us even!" the girl started giggling uncontrollably. I chuckled.

"That's my 'hubby' for you," I laughed.

"Well, (y/n)...I know you 'died' n' stuff but why are you hiding?" Raimond asked, making sure I didn't forget why I came here.

I simply smiled and sat in a chair. I draped one of my legs over the other and I rested my arm on the back of the chair.

"Well Rai, I needed to clear up some things with Erwin and stuff. I mean, you were there when Levi proposed. You saw Erwin. I couldn't bear to see him like that..." I trailed off.

"Ahhh, you're so kind (y/n)!" Edelina smiled at me. I returned her smile with a bitter one.

"Well, I really just wanted Levi to myself, but I didn't know how to tell him about my relationship with Erwin," I sighed, folding my hands together.

I see both of them frown. I sigh and start to stand. No matter what, you just can't please everyone at once. I've disappointed my friends.

"(Y/n), we missed you, okay?" Raimond finally broke the uncomfortable silence.

"Yeah, we understand why you left now so please, can we just be like how we used to be? No weird silences?" Edelina begs.

I turned around and smiled at them. I spread my arms wide and I sneezed both of them between my arms. I sniffles a little and pulled away.

"Thanks for understanding guys. Also, please, call me Silver when we're not alone okay?"

Both teens nodded and I left. I sighed to myself, closing my eyes. I took a few deep breaths before I headed towards Levi's room.

When I reached his door, I knocked gently. I heard a muffled "come in" and I shoved the door open. I noticed that Levi wasn't alone.

Petra was by his side. I was a bit confused and slightly disappointed. I shrugged it off though. I just plopped down in a chair when I saw that Levi simply kept on writing.

"No one told you you could sit, cadet," Levi growls, not bothering to look up from the paperwork.

"Well, you didn't say anything so I just invited myself to sit down," I huffed.

Levi looked up, scowling at me. I smirked, but it faded when I remembered that Petra was here. Levi seemed to also notice and he stood up. He wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Well, Petra uh...requested that she still helped me so you two will both be helping me," Levi said, somehow reluctantly. I just shrugged. Last time Petra and I were alone, she injured me, but I think it was an accident. Besides, I deserved it. I did punch her a tad...okay like really hard.

Petra on the other hand, nodded a bit reluctantly. I didn't know why. It was almost as if she was hoping that I left.

"Okie dokie, Captain Shorty," I said, attempting to break the awkward silence. Levi snorted and sat down again.

The three of us just sat there, staring at each other. I guess even Levi feels awkward sometimes because he coughed and stood up again. I raised an eyebrow as Petra just sat there stiffly.

"Well, why don't we go see what Hanji is doing?" Levi suggests. I just shrugged. For once, Levi was interested in what Hanji was doing. Well then...this should be interesting.

At Hanji's "secret" head quarters (what?)...

"Oh! Who do we have here? Levi! Glad you came and visited!" Hanji laughed sarcastically. I chuckled, but was immediately shut up by Levi's glare.

Hanji looked over to me and smiled, "Fishy! I want you to meet my two little geniuses!"

I nodded and made my way over to Hanji. I noticed two heads peeked out. My face brightened and I knew that they were excited to see me again so soon.

"Silver, this is Edelina and Raimond!" Hanji introduced, excitedly. We shook hands. Raimond held onto my hand longer, giving me a knowing look. I heard a growl behind me. It was probably Levi, but I ignored it.

"So, what brings y'all here?" Hanji wiggled her endows at Levi.

"Uh, well we—"

"It was awkward and Levi had no idea what to do," I cut him off.

Levi groaned as Hanji laughed, well more like cackled. I smirked and wiggled my own brows at Levi who looked as if he was ready to pounce.

An eternity later...

"So, Petra," I started, "'s your injuries?"

We were currently alone. Levi had left and Hanji and the other two had gone back to work. Petra and I had nothing else to do so we decided to walk back together.

"Umm look...about last time, I didn't mean to hurt you. I guess I was just a little out of it," she hums sadly.

"It's okay. I deserved it anyways. I punched you quite hard," I chuckled quietly. Petra giggled next to me.

"So, can we please continue being friends?" Petra asked, hopefully.

I gleaned with joy, "Of course!"

We hugged and Petra smiled and lead me towards her room. I also hadn't been there for a while.

We soon reached her room. Petra invited me to sit on the bed with her and talk. We just talked about my interests and my dislikes of that sort. I guess if we're going to work together, might as well learn a few more things about her. She probably has changed from those two years I was gone. I was just happy that we had made up.

A/N: Well...this...I'm sorry this chapter was just filled with nonsense. I'm seriously out of ideas for now.
~Corporal's daughter

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