40 Ways to annoy people

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1. Jump on someone and say, " Giddy up!"

2. Write about some person and say they cheated on you.

3. Go up to someone and say "I'm very sorry but, your husband died." then say "Nah! Sike!" And run away.

4. In a restaurant, shove all the toilet paper rolls in the toilet. That'll really annoy people.

5. -Classic trick- Buy and electric candy bar and put it in thier hand.

6. Slap some random person on the head and say, " Thats what you get for lying to me!"

7. Go and buy flowers for a person walking with a partner and shove the partner away.

8. At the very beginning of a movie, say what happens in the movie (if you know what does happen) and then walk away.

9. When someone is reading a book, put on really loud music next to them and rock out.

10. Grab someone's sandwhich and throw it on the ground and then run away.

11. Run away from someone saying they are mad and are going to kill everyone.

12. Go to a restaurant, order some food, and keep saying, "Will this food just hurry up?!" The when it comes, say, "Sheesh! Took ya long enough!" Then walk out.

13. Pop some kid's balloon and say, "Oh, I'm sorry, your ballon just looked so dumb" Then run for your life.

14. Shove an ice cream on your forehead then pretend to be a pet unicorn for someone random.

15. Knock on someones door saying they have won $1,000 dollars, hand them a fake cheque, then leave, they'll soon find out MWAHAHAHAHA.

16. Look at someone in a creepy way and say, "Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi," then walk away looking at them in the same creepy way.

17. Sit next to someone eating some food, and eat it in the most disgusting way. Then fake burp, and walk away.

18. Keep walking past someone, and when they are wondering what you are doing, say, "Sheesh how many times do I have to walk past for you to fall in love with me." Then walk away.

19. When you see someone with food, grab it and throw it on their face.

20. Copy someone all the way through a town.

21. Poke somebody with a stick when they take a sip of a drink, and watch them snort it all the way up their nose.

22. Pretend to love somebody and when it's your wedding day send them a photo of you at the airport with the caption: I catch flights, not feelings. #wastetheirtime2016

23. Grab some Nutella and ask somebody for some toilet paper, and if they give it to you, grab it while simultaneously smudging the Nutella on their hand, pretending it's poo.

24. Read a book out out, really loud, and if somebody around you makes any sort of noise or coughs or anything, shush them REALLY LOUD like, SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

25. Eat a banana super seductively at somebody and pretend to choke and them spit the mashed up banana in their face.

26. ( For Boys) Run around naked, screaming: DICKS OUT FOR HARAMBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

27. Cry in the middle of the street, and if somebody comes up to you, get up and blow your snot on their clothes and say: "Thanks, human tissue."

28. Ride around on a bicycle and bump in to tons of people, and each time you bump into somebody, shout: "Watch where you're going A**HOLE!"

29. Bring a tub of Nutella to school and rub it all over one of the bathroom stalls, then tell your teacher that you have diarrhea and you made a mess in the toilet, when they go to check, shove their face in it, then run home, pack your bags, and move to a different country. :) 

30.Go to a cafe that has free wifi, and watch movies on Netflix the whole time you're there. 

31. Go to a super market ans sneakily jump ontop of one of the shelves on an isle and raptor screech at everybody that walks past.

32. If you're at a fast food chain restaurant and your order is taking forever to come, when you finally get your food shout " Fast food?! More like slow food AMIRITE?! HAAAAA".

33. If the teacher you hate has a crush on another teacher and you know about it, write a note on their desk that reads "Hey, I know you like me, I want to have dinner with you, meet me at _______ (whatever restaurant is local) at 7 P.M. on Friday." Then just let them be ghosted.

34. I once had a pet sheep that I used to ride everywhere like a horse, if you do too, ride it around town and charge at random people.

35. Keep a collection of really short stubby pencils that are super hard to use because they are nearly out, and when people bug you in school or at work saying that they need a pencil, give them one of those crappy ones.

36. If you're at a nightclub or somewhere dark where there are lots of people, run around and poke everybody on the back, around where their ribs are, it's so uncomfortable.

37. Carry a bag of raw peas around and put some in your mouth a blow them at people like a spitball.

38. If you're in an exam, fart loudly when the supervisor walks past and then say, "Really? Right by me?!"

39. Spread tomato ketchup all over your face and then go to your mum saying you had an accident.

40. If somebody leaves the dinner table to go to the restroom or get a drink, hide their plate and when they come back, pretend that they ate all their food.

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